Home / Finance & Business / Gold Price / Jordan: JD 27.5 per gram of gold locally

Jordan: JD 27.5 per gram of gold locally

Media In / Agencies / Amman, May 30, 2018
The 21-gram gold price of the most popular demand in the local market hit Wednesday at 27.55 dinars, amid a weak demand expected to improve next week as the Eid holiday approaches.
According to the secretary of the association of the owners of jewelery and jewelry shops Rabhi Alan, the price of selling the gram of yellow metal was 24 and 18, about 32.20 and 23.55 dinars, respectively.
According to the announcement, the price of the pound was 197 dinars, while the pound was worth 224 dinars.
The price of the yellow metal reached the world markets until Wednesday afternoon, 1298 dollars per ounce.

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