Home / News / UAE / The UAE is the first Arab country in the Global Talent Report 2022, two places ahead of its global ranking last year

The UAE is the first Arab country in the Global Talent Report 2022, two places ahead of its global ranking last year

The UAE ranked first in the Arab world in the Global Talents Report 2022, issued by the Global Competitiveness Center of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). In this year’s report, the country advanced two places from its global ranking last year, achieving 21st place in the world in the ninth round of the report.

And it secured itself a place within the club of the top ten globally in about 30% of the total 31 indicators of the report, while it ranked 15th globally within the group of countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, ahead of countries such as France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Spain and Japan.

The UAE is one of the global countries most prepared to meet the needs of the labor market that require high skills and expertise, through a business-friendly environment, and is able to attract and retain expertise and skilled manpower, as it is considered one of the most attractive for expertise and skills in the world.

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