Home / News / UAE / The UAE affirms its commitment to combating trafficking in small arms and light weapons in front of a workshop in Tangiers, Morocco

The UAE affirms its commitment to combating trafficking in small arms and light weapons in front of a workshop in Tangiers, Morocco

The UAE affirmed its commitment to contribute to combating the international trafficking and illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons by signing and ratifying the United Nations Convention against Non-National Organized Crime and its protocols.

This came in a speech delivered by Mohamed Sohail Al Neyadi, Director General of the Office of Weapons and Dangerous Materials of the Supreme Council for National Security, before a workshop held in Tangiers, Morocco, yesterday on combating the illicit trafficking and proliferation of small arms and light weapons, organized by the League of Arab States in cooperation with the European Union and the Program of Small Arms Survey, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and the World Customs Organization.

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