Home / News / UAE / The UAE cooperates with the World Economic Forum to join efforts in organizing COP28, the agreement on exchanging expertise and experiences and benefiting from innovative technologies

The UAE cooperates with the World Economic Forum to join efforts in organizing COP28, the agreement on exchanging expertise and experiences and benefiting from innovative technologies

The United Arab Emirates has signed a cooperation agreement with the World Economic Forum, regarding enhancing the exchange of expertise and experiences regarding the COP28 Conference of the Parties, which is being hosted by the UAE in Expo City under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him.”

The agreement was signed by Majed Al-Suwaidi, Director General of the COP28 Executive Office, and Borghi Brandi, President of the World Economic Forum, in the presence of a number of officials, diplomatic and government figures, and representatives from both parties.

This agreement between the UAE and the forum establishes a new framework for cooperation in how to benefit from innovative technologies and the role of technology in enabling a more sustainable and environmentally friendly global economy.

By hosting the twenty-eighth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), the UAE seeks to provide a practical approach that focuses on finding solutions and contributes to bringing about a quantum leap in joint international efforts and endeavors on the issue of climate change and the transition to green economies. with low carbon emissions.

In this context, Majid Al Suwaidi stressed the UAE’s keenness to enhance climate action based on its belief in the need for concerted international efforts to invest in sustainable economic and social growth, and to provide the necessary financing to support urgent climate issues and the need to adhere to global recommendations and policies to protect the environment and preserve natural resources.

Al Suwaidi said: “The UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, is committed to implementing all international resolutions related to the climate issue, as the strategic initiative for climate neutrality 2050, which the state recently launched, is a major national engine that aims to Reducing emissions and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, making the UAE the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to announce its goal to achieve climate neutrality.

He pointed to the UAE’s endeavor, as an essential part of the fifty principles and projects, to achieve the goals of sustainable development and economic progress, thus consolidating its leading position as an ideal destination for living, working, and establishing prosperous societies.

He touched on the country’s preparations to host the COP28 Conference of the Parties, which constitutes an ideal opportunity to invest in climate action and environmental protection, which will reflect on economic and social growth, and achieve maximum benefit from renewable resources through a package of innovative environmental solutions that focus on reducing emissions and achieving tangible progress in climate action.

Majed Al-Suwaidi added: “The Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in its twenty-eighth edition, is discussing key issues that focus on implementing climate commitments and pledges, concerted efforts and joint action to take concrete practical measures and flexible and rapid solutions that contribute to overcoming challenges and ensuring a more sustainable future.” And environmentally friendly.

Through this conference, the UAE seeks to address a wide range of issues, including the formulation of regulatory frameworks and global initiatives in support of achieving carbon neutrality, securing the funding required to support pressing environmental issues, and raising awareness about the need for joint collective action in preserving the climate and reducing carbon emissions. The state to involve the private sector in its various companies and institutions in the efforts of governments and countries to respond to the most pressing environmental issues.

The UAE is the first country in the region to sign the Paris Climate Agreement and is committed to reducing emissions in all economic sectors, which establishes its position as a global center for hosting international events that focus on joint climate action and accelerating sustainable development.

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