Home / News / UAE / Emirates Astronomy: January 15th is the start of the second winter season in the calendar

Emirates Astronomy: January 15th is the start of the second winter season in the calendar

The Emirates Astronomical Society stated that the peak of the cold in the Gulf heritage calendar is during the “Sixtieth Duration” of the “Hundred Winter” of the Duror calendar, as the period begins between January 12 and January 16 according to the difference of the people of the calendar. Ten days and severely describe the cold and its peak.

Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, President of the Emirates Astronomical Society, said that during the sixties, the cold is described as “the cold of the sixty with a knife” or “and the cold of the sixty was slaughtered without a knife”, as it bleeds like a knife as a metaphor for the severity of the cold, and it is the depth of winter in which temperatures drop to their lowest values and reach below five degrees. Celsius in the depths of the desert and reaches below zero Celsius in the high mountainous areas and in the desert of the north of the Arabian Peninsula. Frost may form in the morning, and camels drinking semi-frozen water in the morning cause bleeding or bloody mouths from the extreme cold.
As for the people of Al-Anwa, on January 15, the second season of winter begins for the people of Al-Anwa, where the season of shabt begins or the time of the cold of the ventricle. This period is when it is in all coastal areas between 23 to 11 degrees Celsius, and it descends in some areas of the desert depth to less than 5 degrees, and it touches zero degrees in mountain peaks sometimes, and frost sometimes forms in the morning.
He pointed out that at such a time, the male palm tree (Al-Fahal) begins to bloom, and the time for the thirst of fruit and citrus trees ends, and lemon blossoms (Al-Bayl) begin to appear, which is attributed to (Rain Al-Baly) to the time of its rising, and it is a period characterized by rainfall during which it also begins with the appearance of the stars of the rank of Al-Na’eem at dawn 15 January, during which the stars of the town’s status appear at the dawn of January 28, the second stars of the season, and it continues for about 26 days, after which the intensity of the cold is broken by the appearance of the first stars of Saud on February 10, which is the star of Saad the Slaughter.

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