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The UAE.. a pioneering march in advancing international efforts for climate action and sustainability

The declaration of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him”, 2023 as the year of sustainability in the UAE, the culmination of the state’s rich march in the field of sustainability and environmental preservation and a turning point in advancing international efforts to enhance climate action to preserve the planet and pave the way towards a conference Parties COP28.

The UAE has an inspiring path of action for the environment, which coincided with its establishment in the early seventies of the last century, in addition to climate action, which began with its signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1989.

In the early nineties of the twentieth century, it was agreed internationally to launch the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate, representing the first global move to confront this challenge, and in 1995 the UAE joined the agreement to participate in the international movement for climate action.

With the development of discussions and legal commitments to the climate action movement, and after the launch and adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, which is binding on developed countries with the goals of reducing emissions, the UAE ratified the protocol in 2005 as the first country in the world to produce oil.

With the modernization and development of climate action goals to focus more on addressing the problem of global warming, in addition to further reducing greenhouse gas emissions with the launch of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, the UAE hastened to join the agreement and sign its provisions as the first Gulf country and one of the first countries in the region.

The UAE is a pioneer in driving the sustainability agenda, being the first country in the region to sign and ratify the Paris Agreement, and the first country in the region to announce a strategic initiative to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The UAE believes that achieving the necessary global transformation in the energy sector depends on the concerted efforts of all partners. The energy sector also needs qualitative, commercially viable innovations, with investments directed towards clean energy solutions that can be developed on a large scale, new solutions for major industries, and increased efficiency in the use of natural resources. This contributes to reducing the consequences of climate change while ensuring a sustainable energy supply.

The year 2006 represents a turning point in the march of the UAE’s work for the environment and climate, which witnessed the launch of the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company “Masdar”, as a global Emirati model for the clean energy sector, sustainable development and sustainable urban development.

The establishment of “Masdar” company and the growth it witnessed embodies the vision of the wise leadership aimed at diversifying the economy and energy sources. and climate action, while Masdar is currently active in more than 40 countries distributed on six continents, where it has invested and is committed to investing in projects around the world with a total value exceeding $30 billion.

The total production capacity of Masdar projects, whether in operation or under development, is more than 20 gigawatts – enough to supply 5.25 million homes with energy, and these projects contribute to reducing the emission of more than 30 million tons of carbon dioxide annually – equivalent to removing 6.5 million cars off the road.

Masdar is entering a new phase with ambitious and bold goals, as it now enjoys the support of three prominent Emirati energy and investment companies: ADNOC, Mubadala and Taqa, which allows the company to benefit from the expertise of these partners to consolidate its position as a leading global company in the fields of renewable energy and hydrogen. the green.

With the UAE taking over the responsibility of hosting COP28, Masdar, with its new structure, will contribute to accelerating the pace of development and support the UAE’s commitment to becoming one of the largest developer, owner and operator of renewable energy and green hydrogen in the world, and supporting countries around the world to achieve their plans for climate neutrality.

The new “Masdar” targets a portfolio of projects with a total production capacity of more than 100 gigawatts by 2030, with aspirations to double that in the following years, while “Masdar Green Hydrogen” aims to produce one million tons of green hydrogen by 2030, as the company is working on developing advanced programs that support Building a green hydrogen economy, which will be an important pillar of the energy transition and a future energy source that supports global decarbonization efforts.

Masdar is witnessing a great leap and entering a new phase, as it looks at climate action and the global clean energy sector from a new perspective, as well as playing a leading role not only in terms of limiting the effects of climate change, but in supporting affected communities in their endeavors to enhance resilience and finance climate action. and for losses and damages.

Masdar contributes to supporting the UAE’s commitment to becoming one of the largest investors in the world in the field of renewable energy. Through Masdar’s pioneering future projects, the UAE will lead efforts to invest in clean energy systems and support the achievement of a smooth and comprehensive transition process in the UAE energy sector as well as within affected communities. .

The ambitious goals set by Masdar can only be achieved by investing in people and benefiting from competencies, as the clean energy sector, with its new structure, will provide economic opportunities and accelerate job growth in the global market in which Masdar is active, and cooperate with global partners to attract Funding required to activate climate solutions.

“Masdar” is considered one of the first contributors to driving innovation efforts in the field of promoting climate-related technology, and by combining the experiences of “Mubadala”, “Taqa” and “ADNOC” companies, the “company”, with its new structure, will promote innovation, adopt new creative methods and promote investment In the areas of research and development and accelerating the deployment of clean energy solutions on a larger scale.

And with the conclusion of the activities of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2023, which extended over a

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