Home / News / UAE / The UAE is one of the safest countries in the world, with a “very low” risk of spreading terrorist activity

The UAE is one of the safest countries in the world, with a “very low” risk of spreading terrorist activity

For the fourth year in a row, the UAE maintained its position and first place in the Global Terrorism Index, as it is considered one of the safest countries among several active countries in the field of combating terrorist and extremist activities, and one of the safest countries in the world with a “very low” level of risk of the spread of terrorist activity. This is according to the results issued by the Institute for Economics and International Peace, which is responsible for the index and publishes its results annually.

The Global Terrorism Index is one of the indicators that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation monitors and relies on, and supports its data through the “Global Peace and Stability” initiative adopted by the Ministry. And specialized research institutes and centers, and the Institute of Economics and Peace (responsible for issuing the index), and informing them of the national reports on the state’s efforts in combating terrorism, which clarify the active role of the ministry, the concerned authorities, and the state’s specialized committees in the field of combating terrorism.

The Global Terrorism Index provides a comprehensive summary of global trends and patterns affecting terrorism over the past two decades, and is based on an analysis of various social and economic conditions, as well as influencing geopolitical factors.

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