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The UAE and Ethiopia… solid relations and common goals of development and prosperity

Aug 18th

The friendly relations and close cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia continue their upward trajectory in all fields, which contributes to advancing the comprehensive development wheel in the two friendly countries and brings good and benefit to their peoples.
The mutual and continuous official visits and meetings between senior officials of the two countries reflect the depth and solidity of the Emirati-Ethiopian relations, which enjoy the interest and support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is of great importance within the UAE’s strategy to strengthen and expand its relations with the countries of the African continent, and to strengthen bridges of cooperation with them in various fields, based on Ethiopia’s presence and importance in its regional environment.

The Emirati-Ethiopian relations began during the era of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, and the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, to witness continuous development since then, especially after the opening of the Ethiopian consulate in the UAE in 2004, and then the opening of the UAE embassy in Addis. Ababa in July 2010, leading to the opening of the Ethiopian Embassy in Abu Dhabi in 2014, which contributed to strengthening aspects of cooperation between the two countries in all political, economic, investment and cultural fields.
The bilateral relations between the two countries are characterized by consensus on various bilateral, regional and international issues, and the UAE is keen to support the areas of cooperation with Ethiopia and diversify its components in light of the shared ambitious values and visions and aspirations for further progress and prosperity.
The joint committee between the UAE and Ethiopia is an effective platform for developing bilateral relations between the two countries at various levels and in various sectors, by presenting proposals and practical solutions to enhance the level of cooperation and overcome challenges that could limit the prospects of bilateral relations, as the UAE seeks through this committee to strengthen The level of bilateral cooperation between the two friendly countries in various fields, including economy, investment, culture, air transport, renewable energy, agriculture and livestock, employment, mining and industry, ports, logistics and infrastructure. Since the establishment of bilateral relations between them, the UAE and Ethiopia have signed dozens of strategic agreements and memorandums of understanding to enhance cooperation in the economic, health, educational, environmental, technological, cultural, service and other fields.
The UAE takes a firm stance and approach in supporting peace and stability in Ethiopia based on its firm belief that achieving development and building a better future for peoples requires building a solid foundation of stability, peace, coexistence and joint cooperation.
The total UAE aid to Ethiopia reached $5.05 billion, of which development aid accounted for 89%, which reflects the UAE’s keenness to support Ethiopia’s stability and contribute to advancing its development.
The UAE sees in Ethiopia a cornerstone of joint African action, and in this context came the great efforts made by the UAE to make the Ethiopian-Eritrean peace process in 2018, as the UAE harnessed its distinguished relations with the leadership in both Addis Ababa and Asmara as a bridge to cross the two countries to the port of reconciliation. Peace, which reflected positively on the entire Horn of Africa region.
The late Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God have mercy on him, awarded each of Isaias Afwerki, President of the State of Eritrea, and Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the “Zayed Medal” in honor of their efforts to end conflict and differences between their two countries and in appreciation and appreciation for their role in resolving the bilateral dispute. .
On the economic front, the UAE is the second largest trading partner of Ethiopia, as the volume of non-oil trade between the two countries reached $1.4 billion in 2022. UAE imports from Ethiopia amounted to $628 million, while UAE exports amounted to $564.5 million, while the value of UAE re-exports to Ethiopia $553.3 million.
The total UAE investments in Ethiopia amounted to $2.9 billion, including various sectors, most notably the manufacture of medicines, aluminum, food and beverages, and chemicals.
The Emirati-Ethiopian Business Advisory Council represents one of the most prominent platforms for supporting Emirati investors and Ethiopian businessmen, and promoting joint bilateral cooperation, through the role it plays in identifying investment opportunities for Emirati businessmen in Ethiopia, and promoting trade exchange and investment cooperation by facilitating the participation of companies in exhibitions and events. And stimulate constructive dialogue between representatives of the public and private sectors.
The UAE is considered one of the most prominent supporters and financiers of renewable energy projects in Ethiopia. Last January, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, witnessed the exchange of an agreement between the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company. Masdar »and the Ethiopian government to develop a solar photovoltaic project with a capacity of 500 megawatts in the first phase, with the aim of developing up to 2000 megawatts of similar projects within Ethiopia.
Culture plays an important role in strengthening bilateral ties and relations between the UAE and Ethiopia, and in 2018 the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding for cultural cooperation aimed at laying a solid foundation for cooperation between them in the fields of culture and knowledge development, especially with regard to antiquities, heritage, arts and libraries, in order to expand the knowledge of the two sides about identity. national, civilized, cultural and artistic for each of them in order to strengthen the ties between them.
The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Culture and Youth, announced the announcement

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