Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / The UAE and Saudi Arabia led the Arab stock exchanges in July, with gains of $49 billion

The UAE and Saudi Arabia led the Arab stock exchanges in July, with gains of $49 billion

The UAE and Saudi financial markets topped the Arab stock exchanges during last July’s trading, after achieving market gains of about $49 billion (180 billion dirhams), according to the Arab Monetary Fund.

The fund stated, in the monthly bulletin of Arab financial markets, which monitors the performance of 14 stock exchanges, that last month the UAE markets achieved market gains of about $20.8 billion (76.3 billion dirhams), distributed by $10.95 billion (40.2 billion dirhams) for the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange and 9.85 billion for the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange. Dollars (36 billion dirhams) for the Dubai Financial Market.

The bulletin indicated that the market value of the Abu Dhabi Securities Market rose from $755.7 billion (2.773 trillion) at the end of last June to $766.7 billion (2.813 trillion dirhams) at the end of July, while the market value of the Dubai Financial Market increased from $177.8 billion (652.5 billion dirhams) to 187.7 billion dollars (689 billion dirhams).

She indicated that the Saudi financial market achieved market gains of about $28.1 billion, with an increase in its market value from $2.908 trillion to $2.936 trillion, while the market capital of the Qatar Stock Exchange increased from $162.7 billion to $176.3 billion, gaining more than $13.6 billion.

The bulletin stated that the Kuwait Stock Exchange achieved gains of about $4.24 billion, with a market capitalization of $140 billion, and the Casablanca Stock Exchange recorded gains of about $2.74 billion, with a capital of $63.6 billion. According to the bulletin, the Egyptian Stock Exchange achieved market gains that exceeded $922 million, raising its market capitalization to $38.4 billion, the Beirut Stock Exchange gained $720.7 million, and its capitalization reached $18.4 billion, while the Bahrain Stock Exchange increased by about $359.7 million, and its market capitalization reached $20.75 billion. The Damascus Stock Exchange was about $339.6 million, and its capital exceeded $3 billion.

The bulletin indicated that the market capital of the Muscat Stock Exchange reached $62.04 billion at the end of last July, the Oman Stock Exchange reached $24.2 billion, the Muscat Stock Exchange reached $8.2 billion, and the Palestine Stock Exchange reached $4.98 billion. She pointed out that the gains of the Arab stock exchanges amounted to 71.3 billion dollars last month, raising their market capital from 4.379 trillion dollars at the end of June to 4.45 trillion dollars at the end of last July.

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