Home / News / UAE / “Education” allows non-compulsory adoption of “EMSAT” tests in university admission, which will start from the academic year 2023-2024 with wide options

“Education” allows non-compulsory adoption of “EMSAT” tests in university admission, which will start from the academic year 2023-2024 with wide options

The Ministry of Education has adopted a decision regarding criteria and conditions for admission to higher education institutions in the country, according to which the adoption of the “EMSAT” test becomes optional, and is applied starting from the university admission procedures for the academic year 2023-2024.

The decision gives higher education institutions in the country the flexibility to choose between fulfilling the “EMSAT” accreditation or other tests that measure the competence of students accredited in the country, for the purpose of admission to various disciplines and academic programs. This is done while ensuring that the quality of the educational process’s outputs is maintained in accordance with academic accreditation standards.

Developing the education system b

Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of Education, said, “The decision comes as part of the continuous efforts to develop the education system in the country, in accordance with approved international best practices, which includes the implementation of a comprehensive development process for national and international examination policies that students undergo.”

He pointed out that «the decision was preceded by an extensive study that absorbed all the opinions of the parties concerned with the educational process, including higher education institutions, students and parents, on how to upgrade the university study system in a way that serves the interest of students and their academic future. The Ministry will periodically review the developments of the decision in consultation with higher education institutions in the country to ensure the best educational outcomes and results for students.

Enhance the flexibility of skills assessment

He added, “The EmSat test, designed by the Ministry, provides an effective assessment tool for students’ skills, and allows higher education institutions in the country to choose to adopt EmSat or other accredited tests, in line with their academic programs and various specializations, while enabling these institutions to determine admission criteria.” More flexibility in the mechanism for evaluating students’ competencies within their university admission procedures, which enhances their ability to choose the appropriate university major according to their tendencies, skills and potential, and in line with current and future labor market requirements.
Updating education sector strategies.
He stressed that “the ministry will continue to work on modernizing the educational system in the country, developing education sector strategies, activating and developing the most appropriate tools to ensure the efficiency of their application in accordance with international best practices, and in line with the directions of the wise leadership and the goals of the UAE Centennial 2071.”
Institutions of higher education must determine the proficiency associated with the programs by approving the student’s score in the “EMSAT” test and its results in the relevant subject, or in one of the accredited proficiency tests, or by approving the student’s score in the same school subject within one of the international curricula with centralized examinations (such as the British system or the International Baccalaureate system), or the student’s score in the entrance exam offered by the institution of higher education and approved by the Ministry, provided that students have more than one option from the approved options to prove their proficiency in the same subject.

Comprehensive partnership

It is noteworthy that the Ministry is committed to a consistent methodology that allows the various institutions of higher education in the country to submit any proposed projects related to admission standards, or other mechanisms regulating the educational process, and to consult with the relevant departments in the Ministry, in addition to clarifying any new procedures, within the framework of a comprehensive partnership with The various components of the educational system, as the Ministry of Education is currently studying a number of proposals submitted by some higher education institutions regarding the procedures and criteria for accepting students.
The Ministry of Education launched the “EMSAT” test in 2019, which is a set of standardized electronic tests based on national standards for measuring and evaluating students’ performance in the UAE, to be applied to a group of academic levels. (wam)

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