Home / ALL / “Resettlement” clarifies when it is permissible to increase additional working hours to two hours

“Resettlement” clarifies when it is permissible to increase additional working hours to two hours

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation confirmed that establishments can increase the additional hours to two hours per day in exceptional cases if the work is necessary to prevent the occurrence of a serious loss or a dangerous accident or to remove or mitigate its effects.
And it indicated that the total working hours should not exceed 144 hours every 3 weeks, while allowing the establishment in the normal situation to employ its workers with a maximum of two additional hours per day.
In an indicative publication, she indicated that the Labor Relations Regulation Law specified the employer’s daily or weekly working hours and their controls for the rest period; So that the normal working hours do not exceed 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week.
Transition periods from and to the workplace are not included within working hours except for some cases and within the controls specified in the executive regulations, such as the period spent by the worker in the means of transportation in case of bad weather and responding to the warnings of the National Center of Meteorology regarding weather changes and fluctuations, and the time spent by the worker in the means of transportation that It is provided by the employer in the event of a traffic accident or emergency breakdown, or if the parties in the contract expressly agree on that.
The law stipulates that working hours must be specified in the contract for work patterns other than the full-time system, and the Labor Law stipulates that working hours must not exceed 5 consecutive hours without a break and not less than an hour.
The Ministry confirmed that the Labor Law and its executive regulations stipulated a package of regulatory controls, including the necessity of setting regulations that do not contradict the provisions and rules stipulated in the Decree-Law and legal regulations, and that these regulations include penalties that may be imposed on violating workers, and the conditions and controls for their signature.

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