Home / News / UAE / Allowing a resident of the Emirates to sponsor two wives at the same time in special cases and according to certain conditions

Allowing a resident of the Emirates to sponsor two wives at the same time in special cases and according to certain conditions

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security allows a foreign resident in the UAE to sponsor two wives at the same time, in special cases for a Muslim and according to certain conditions.

The digital government of the UAE stated that in special cases, a resident Muslim can sponsor two wives at the same time, according to certain conditions set by the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, Customs and Ports Security, pointing out that a foreigner residing in the country can obtain a residence visa for his wife and children after fulfilling the requirements in this regard.

She added that in order for the husband to be able to provide a residence visa for his wife in the UAE, he must present the marriage contract duly certified in Arabic or translated into Arabic by a sworn translator, and duly approved.

And she indicated that a father residing in the UAE may provide a residence sponsorship for his daughters as long as they are not married, regardless of their age, and with regard to children, the UAE law allows them to be sponsored by the father only until they reach the age of 25, and as an exception to that, the father is allowed to sponsor the residence of the children in If you continue studying after the age of 25.
Regarding the sponsorship of newborns, the authority confirmed that a residence permit must be obtained for newborns within the country within 120 days of their date of birth to avoid any fines, noting that a resident can provide sponsorship for his wife’s children from her previous marriage after fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, which includes a statement of approval. From the father of the children, and the sponsor deposits a fixed guarantee amount with the administration, and the residence permit is valid for one year only, and it is renewed annually after fulfilling the prescribed requests.
It specified 8 documents required to submit a request to sponsor the wife and children, which are: “residence visa application, whether online or through licensed typing offices, a copy of the passport of the sponsor and the sponsored persons, photographs with a white background for the wife and children, the original certificate of medical fitness for the wife and children after reaching the age of 18, and a copy From the husband’s work contract or from the company’s contract if he is an employer, and a valid work permit for the sponsor, and a certificate of the husband’s salary, the notarized lease contract.
She stressed that family residence permits are linked to the residence permit of the head of the family or the guarantor, and in the event that the residence permit of the guarantor or the head of the family is canceled, the residence permits of family members must be canceled after that, and family members are given a period of 6 months from the date of expiry or cancellation of their residence visas until they obtain a residence visa. If the guarantor or the head of the family fails to renew or cancel the residency visa for his family members, he is obligated to pay the prescribed financial fine.

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