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الصين تتّخذ إجراءات جديدة لتحفيز الاستثمار الخاص

Beijing, July 25 / China announced that it has identified several key sectors that will be focused on to stimulate private investment, in the context of the state’s efforts to promote the growth of the private sector in the country.

The Chinese National Development and Reform Commission said it will work to address the concerns of private sector enterprises related to financing difficulties, in the areas of transportation, water conservation, clean energy, new infrastructure, advanced manufacturing and modern agriculture, while the National Documentation and Research Commission (NDRC) pledged to create an index of priority projects and adopted measures to improve financing support for private investment projects.

These moves come as private investment in fixed assets in China declined during the first half of 2023 by 0.2% year-on-year, despite an increase in total investment in fixed assets by 3.8% in the same period.

Last week, China’s State Council stressed the importance of revitalizing the private sector, and announced measures that include plans to improve the country’s business environment and improve the allocation of private capital for major infrastructure projects.

The National Development and Reform Committee also pledged to ensure support for other resources for private investment projects, such as land use, and to encourage private investment projects to issue REIT credit products to stimulate more investments.

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