Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi plans to double the size of its fleet in the next 12 months

Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi plans to double the size of its fleet in the next 12 months

Abu Dhabi, June 5: “Air Arabia Group” revealed that it plans to double the size of the current fleet of “Arabia Abu Dhabi” during the next twelve months, in support of the growing needs of the aviation sector in the capital, Abu Dhabi, and to contribute to achieving the emirate’s ambitious vision in the travel and tourism sector.

Adel Al-Ali, CEO of the Group, said in statements to the Emirates News Agency, WAM, that doubling the size of the “Arabia Abu Dhabi” fleet will enhance incoming tourism to the capital, in line with the emirate’s long-term vision of increasing the number of its visitors from the region and the world, especially in The tourist attraction of Abu Dhabi remained, in addition to its continuous expansion in its tourism and cultural offerings, and the provision of various experiences to become a distinguished travel destination in the region, supported by an advanced aviation infrastructure and a strong tourism system.

Al-Ali added that doubling the size of the “Arabia Abu Dhabi” fleet is a critical step to meet the growing demand for low-cost travel, in conjunction with the remarkable growth the capital is witnessing in the tourism sector and the plans of the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi to attract more than 24 million visitors by the end of 2023.

And he pointed out that “Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi” is looking forward to expanding its customer base by announcing new destinations and increasing the number of flights in light of the strong recovery that air travel services are currently witnessing, explaining that within the framework of the airline’s keeping pace with the ongoing expansion plans, more services will be offered that are able to meet needs of rapidly growing target markets.

He explained that Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi’s expansion strategy focuses on seizing opportunities for sustainable growth and the well-established economic model to continue expanding its network by adding new destinations and flights that meet the growing demand for travelers for air travel, noting that during the first quarter of this year, the carrier expanded its global reach by launching flights New to Kolkata in India, Amman in Jordan, and Baghdad in Iraq.

Al-Ali stated that the carrier’s plans to increase the size of the fleet in the coming months do not only aim to improve the operational efficiency of the fleet, but also aspire to provide the highest levels of comfort and added value to customers, indicating that the carrier supports the tourism, entertainment and business sectors in Abu Dhabi, and works to meet the needs resulting from The growing role and position of the capital as a global center for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions.

Al-Ali said that “Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi” began its operations during the “Covid-19” pandemic in July 2020 with two Airbus A320 aircraft, and within two years of its launch, the number of aircraft reached 9 modern aircraft of the same type, with the carrier expanding its scope of operations regionally and globally to include destinations Most vibrant across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

And the CEO of the “Air Arabia” group stated that “Since the launch of its operations, Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi” has expanded until it is now flying to 32 destinations from Abu Dhabi International Airport, and the average performance of the carrier in terms of completing flights on time is 85%, indicating that the carrier has witnessed A steady increase in the number of passengers, as it succeeded in transporting 1.3 million passengers during 2022, driven by the expansion of its network of destinations, high-value products, and competitive costs, while our business model will continue to succeed in guiding our sustainable growth during the coming years.

Adel Al-Ali explained that Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi flies to 12 cities in the Indian subcontinent, including Faisalabad and Dhaka. In addition to eight destinations in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Middle East region, it recently included Baghdad and Erbil in Iraq in addition to Moscow, Baku, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Kazan / Russia, Alexandria, Cairo and others in Africa, and Sarajevo, Istanbul and Trabzon in Europe.

He affirmed the commitment of “Al Arabia – Abu Dhabi” to provide high-quality air travel services at competitive prices in Abu Dhabi, while expanding the capabilities of passenger access through the joint network of the two carriers, and will work to explore new destinations based on passenger traffic and the volume of demand, taking into account commercial viability and the possibility of achieving strong profit margins.

He pointed out that “Since its inception, Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi has adopted the solid business model adopted by the “Air Arabia” group, which is based on providing value-added services at reasonable prices, as well as investing in developing innovative services to expand its market share, stressing the airline’s commitment to providing the best services and exploring more. of new technologies and services providing value propositions for all travellers.

In response to a question about his expectations for the travel and aviation sector, Al-Ali said that “2023” is considered an exceptional year for the aviation sector despite the global economic challenges, indicating that the global aviation sector has succeeded in returning almost to its previous state with the easing of travel restrictions, which led to an increase in passenger demand for Air travel, as the sector is currently recovering from supply chain challenges, while growth continues to be driven by the growing demand for travel around the world.

The CEO of Air Arabia Group explained that low-cost air travel is an essential element in the travel sector across the world, and it has played a pivotal role in transforming and expanding the scope of air travel to include a larger number of customers due to its low cost and clear and direct approach. Great for international trade and tourism, and directly contributed to the growth of local economies.

It is noteworthy that “Al Arabiya Abu Dhabi” was established in 2019 under an agreement between “Air Arabia” and “Etihad Airways” to launch an airline as an independent joint venture for low-cost travel services that is based at Abu Dhabi International Airport as the main center for its operations, and “Air Arabia” owns a share of 49%. While the remaining 51% majority share belongs to Etihad Airways.


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