Home / News / UAE / Explorer Rashid completes a month in his path to the surface of the moon

Explorer Rashid completes a month in his path to the surface of the moon

The Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center announced that the “Explorer Rashid” successfully completed one month in space, as part of the first Arab mission to explore the moon, as it traveled a distance of 1.34 million km, since its launch on December 11, from Complex No. 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Base in the United States. United States of America.
The Emirates Moon Exploration Project team stated that it communicated with the explorer Rashid, which was designed and completed by 100 percent Emirati hands, for about 220 minutes since launch, pointing out that immediately after the launch, the explorer was operated at a rate of 10 minutes per day over a period of two weeks, while communication is currently underway with Explorer once a week.
The team revealed that the Explorer’s systems have been powered on 17 times since launch. The first time lasted for an hour, followed by 10 minutes of daily charging for its batteries over the next two weeks. Currently, the Explorer’s systems are powered up once a week for 10 minutes.
It is intended to conduct an additional 150 minutes of communication with the explorer Rashid during the coming period, in addition to conducting 12 preparatory operations covering the scenarios of the explorer’s operations on the moon before landing on its surface at the end of next April. The preparatory operations will help the mission team prepare for the operations that will take place after the landing on the moon.
The next stage of the “Hakuto-R” lander, carrying the explorer Rashid, includes maneuvers aimed at entering the lunar orbit.
It is worth noting that the Emirates Moon Exploration Project is one of the projects funded by the Information and Communication Technology Fund of the Telecommunications and Digital Government Authority (TDRA), which aims to support research and development in the information and communication technology sector.

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