Home / News / UAE / “Human Resources”: Medical examinations for workers before entering the country are the responsibility of the recruitment offices

“Human Resources”: Medical examinations for workers before entering the country are the responsibility of the recruitment offices

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation confirmed that the recruitment offices must bear the cost of conducting medical examinations before the entry of the domestic worker into the country.

And it indicated that these offices must conduct the necessary medical examinations for domestic workers within a period not exceeding 30 days at most, prior to his entry into the country.
She explained that the medical examination for domestic workers in their country of origin saves the worker and sponsor the trouble and costs of recruitment, conducting examinations within the country, and the late discovery of the causes of medical unfitness.
The recruitment office can bring in an assistant worker specified by name by the employer, based on his will and knowledge, and from outside the list of domestic workers registered with the office, but this matter loses the employer the advantage of obtaining a guarantee on the domestic worker for a period of two years.
The Ministry stated that these procedural matters come within the framework of the new legal system regarding domestic workers, which entered into force in the middle of last December, and aims to strengthen and regulate work relations with domestic workers in the UAE, and to define the responsibilities of the parties to the relationship in a way that preserves their rights and obligations in a manner that preserves their rights and obligations. Balanced, and ensures the provision of a suitable work environment for domestic workers, in accordance with the legislation and international agreements in force in the country.
The Ministry stated that, based on the new Federal Law No. 9 of 2022, regarding domestic workers, the domestic worker must not be recruited from his country unless he has proof of his fitness, health, psychological and professional status, and informs him of the type and nature of the work and the amount of the wage.
She indicated the importance of securing adequate housing and subsistence for domestic workers (whether registered with the office or mediated by the office to recruit them for the period before they moved to work, or who were returned to the office for any reason); This is done by observing the rules and regulations regulating labor housing in the country, and in accordance with any other requirements set by the Ministry
The law obliges the parties to the contract to comply with approved occupational health and safety requirements and health protection methods, as stipulated in the executive regulations of this decree and any other legislation in force in the country.
Organizing commitments
The law stipulates that the contract is concluded between the domestic worker recruitment office and the employer, to regulate the obligations related to the recruitment of the domestic worker, provided that this contract includes, in particular, the period specified for the implementation of the recruitment procedures, and the conditions specified by the employer regarding the domestic worker who assigns the office to recruit him, in addition to the rights And the basic obligations that the employer undertakes towards the worker, especially the type of work, the amount of wages, the financial obligations necessary for the transfer of the domestic worker from his country to the state, and the consideration for the services due to the office.
The law allows the employer to refuse to employ the domestic worker he has recruited in the event that the domestic labor recruitment office violates the conditions agreed upon in the contract. recruitment for the employer; This is without prejudice to the right of the employer to claim compensation from the recruitment office for any damage that may be caused by the breach of the contract.

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