Home / News / UAE / Arab Criticism: The UAE is the first in the Arab world in the competitiveness of Arab economies

Arab Criticism: The UAE is the first in the Arab world in the competitiveness of Arab economies

Abu Dhabi, February 2 / The Arab Monetary Fund revealed that the United Arab Emirates maintained the first position in the general index of the competitiveness of Arab economies, as a result of its acquisition of the first position at the group level as a whole in the investment environment and attractiveness index.
In the Competitiveness of Arab Economies 2022 report, the Fund added that Qatar ranked second in the general index of competitiveness of Arab economies, while Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain ranked third, fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively.
According to the report, the UAE and Saudi Arabia occupied the first and second positions in the government finance sector index, respectively. Public revenue index to GDP.
The Arab Monetary Fund report indicated that the State of Kuwait came in third place in the government finance sector index at the country level, benefiting from the public revenue index to the gross domestic product.
The UAE ranked first at the level of Arab countries in the monetary and banking sector index, benefiting from its advanced position in the domestic liquidity index of GDP and in the indicators of the growth rate of foreign assets and the ratio of credit granted to the private sector to GDP, while Kuwait came in second place as a result of The index of non-performing loans decreased from the total loans and obtained an advanced position in the indicator of the ratio of credit granted to the private sector to the GDP.
The report stated that Saudi Arabia achieved the first place at the level of the Arab countries in the external sector index as a result of its obtaining the first place at the level of the group as a whole in the two indicators of official reserves for commodity imports, while the UAE came in the third place, benefiting from its third place in the current account-to-product ratio index. GDP and an advanced rank in the terms of trade index.
The report indicated that the UAE achieved first place at the level of the Arab countries in the index of investment environment and attractiveness, while Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia ranked second, third, fourth and fifth at the level of the group of Arab countries, respectively.
The UAE ranked first in the Arab world on the index of economic freedom as a result of its advanced positions in all sub-indicators, while Qatar ranked second at the level of the Arab countries, benefiting from its third place in the tax burden index and advanced positions in the property rights index, while Kuwait ranked second. The third is for obtaining an advanced position in some sub-indicators.
The UAE came first at the level of the Arab countries in the index of the institutions sector and good governance as a result of its second place in the indicators of combating administrative corruption and government effectiveness, followed by Qatar in second place with its progress in the indicators of combating administrative corruption and the rule of law, while Saudi Arabia came in third place as a result For its progress in the indicators of combating administrative corruption and government effectiveness.
The UAE ranked first in the Arab countries in the infrastructure sector index, due to its acquisition of the first place in the indicators of transport and air freight, cellular phone subscription, and the time allotted for obtaining electric power, while Qatar ranked second and Kuwait ranked third.

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