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The Arab Monetary Authority: The UAE is the first in the Arab world in manufacturing exports

Abu Dhabi, December 30 / The Arab Monetary Fund revealed that the UAE ranked first in the Arab world during 2021 in terms of the value of manufacturing exports, with a value of $142.5 billion.
The Fund added, in the Unified Arab Economic Report, that the exports of manufacturing industries in the UAE are equivalent to 43.9 percent of the total exports of the Arab manufacturing industry, thanks to the significant development in the field of re-exports.
The report pointed out that the manufacturing industry exports in the Arab countries amounted to $325 billion in 2021, compared to about $244 billion in 2020, an increase of about 33.2 percent. Revitalizing the economy.
The report indicated that Saudi Arabia came in second place with about $69 billion with a share of 21.2%, then Morocco with $19.9 billion with a share of 6.1%, while the share of Egypt reached about 6.1%, Tunisia 4%, Bahrain 2.2%, Jordan 2.1%, Kuwait 2% and Algeria 1.1%. Lebanon 0.8%, Libya 0.5%, Palestine 0.5%, Djibouti 0.5%, and Iraq 0.1%.
According to the report, the exports of the manufacturing industry accounted for about 23.3 percent of the total exports of Arab countries, compared to about 32.3 percent in 2020. This decline is due to the development of the contribution of extractive industries as a result of the high demand for oil and natural gas and their high prices globally.
He pointed out that according to the results of the Industrial Performance Competitiveness Index derived from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization “UNIDO”, which includes 17 Arab countries, the UAE was the most improved in the Arab world this year, advancing by five places from the previous year, thanks to the improvement in the areas of infrastructure, the industrial business environment and related indicators. By using high-tech products, while Jordan moved forward with three places, Syria with two places, and Oman and Libya with one place.
The report stated that this indicator is based on evaluating the productive and technological structure of the industrial sector and its ability to produce and export manufactured goods competitively. The higher the value of this indicator, the higher the competitiveness of industrial production in the country.
The report called on the Arab countries to move towards enhancing the competitiveness of their economies and focus on strengthening the industries that the pandemic showed the need to accelerate their development, such as the pharmaceutical and preventive industries, as well as modern and sustainable industries that rely on technical development and information technology.

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