Home / News / UAE / Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security: Exemption of Sudanese nationals in the country from the fines of the “Residence Law”

Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security: Exemption of Sudanese nationals in the country from the fines of the “Residence Law”

Abu Dhabi, May 19th The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security announced that it has exempted nationals of the sisterly Republic of Sudan who are in the United Arab Emirates from all fines incurred for violating the Law on Entry and Residence of Foreigners, as of April 15, 2023, taking into account the humanitarian situation and the variable conditions it is going through. Sister Republic of Sudan.

This decision comes within the framework of the UAE’s directives, its noble human values, and the keenness of its wise leadership to seek a decent life for the residents of the Sudanese community present in the country, and taking into account the emergency humanitarian dimensions in light of the repercussions and resulting disturbances and the challenges related to the lives of individuals.

The list of categories exempted from fines included holders of expired visas and residency permits for those whose work contracts in the country and those of similar status have expired, or those whose period of departure from the UAE has expired. For the circumstances, and based on the conditions and controls in force in this regard.

His Excellency Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili, Director General of the Authority, stressed the close historical relations between the UAE and the Republic of Sudan, and the keenness of the wise leadership of the UAE to extend a helping hand to the brotherly Sudanese people and help them get out safely from the current ordeal they are going through.

He pointed out that the decision to exempt the Sudanese brothers who are in the UAE from the fines imposed on them in case of violating the entry and residence law of foreigners stems from the noble tendencies and values ​​of the UAE, and reflects the authority’s keenness to reconcile the conditions of the Sudanese brothers present in the country to ensure a stable life for them, and take into account the dimensions and humanitarian conditions. that their country is going through, expressing his hope for the return of security and reassurance to the Republic of Sudan and its honorable people in the near future.

For its part, the Sudanese embassy in the country expressed, in an official statement, its sincere thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the UAE for its generous care of the Sudanese community. The UAE.

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