Home / News / UAE / The “NBK” will hold its 13th session the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, in Abu Dhabi

The “NBK” will hold its 13th session the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, in Abu Dhabi

The Federal National Council will hold its 13th session in Zayed Hall in Abu Dhabi, the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, during which member Nasser Muhammad Al Yamahi will address a question to Eng. Suhail bin Muhammad Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, about “delayed implementation of projects linking roads for some remote areas to public road networks.”

The Council will review an incoming letter regarding the Council of Ministers’ decision regarding recommendations on the subject of “the government’s policy regarding the sustainability of electricity and water services.”

The Council will approve the recommendations of the topic “The Impact of Legislation Regulating Labor Market Activities on Economic Changes in the State” and the recommendations of the topic “Government Policy on Regulating Private Higher Education”, which were discussed in previous sessions.

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