Home / News / UAE / In the video, the UAE witnessed the launch of the “Sharjah Sat-1” satellite on December 18, with the follow-up of the Academy of Astronomy and Space Sciences and the supervision of Emirati engineers.

In the video, the UAE witnessed the launch of the “Sharjah Sat-1” satellite on December 18, with the follow-up of the Academy of Astronomy and Space Sciences and the supervision of Emirati engineers.

The UAE, and specifically the University of Sharjah, is witnessing a major event, which is the launch of the “Sharjah Sat-1” satellite, on December 18th. Thus, the university becomes the first university educational institution in the country to send a satellite into space under the supervision of Emirati engineers.

The satellite passes over the city of Sharjah twice a day
The SharjahSat-1 mission is to study the climate in space
Observes x-rays and their effect on communication devices
Take accurate pictures that will be used by government departments in the Emirate
Big tasks

“The Gulf” met the engineering crew implementing the satellite, where Dr. Elias Fernini, Director of the Department of Space Sciences at the Sharjah Academy for Space and Astronomy Science and Technology, spoke about the most important technical and technical characteristics, and the scientific tasks that the satellite will perform, saying: “The mission of” Sharjah Sat-1 “is a study The climate in space, monitoring X-rays and monitoring their daily flow on Earth, as they affect the performance of satellites and communication devices, and by monitoring these rays, we can protect those communications from interference.

He explained that the satellite is supervised by a team of male and female engineers and students, the majority of whom are Emiratis.

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