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The start of the human resources law in the federal government today.. Know its most prominent features?

Today, Saturday, July 1, work begins with Cabinet Resolution No. 48 of 2023 regarding the executive regulations of Federal Decree Law No. 49 of 2022 regarding human resources in the federal government.
The new law carries many advantages and additions to employees working in the federal government, and has introduced new conditions in appointments, promotions, leave types, and others.
One of its most prominent features is that appointment in the federal entities is according to employment patterns, namely: full-time, part-time, temporary work, and flexible work. The types of work approved in the federal entities are according to the following: work from the entity’s headquarters, remote work from within the country, and remote work from outside the country.
As for the scales of grades and salaries of federal entities, they are determined by the Council of Ministers, and the scales of grades, salaries, and allowances approved for federal entities shall continue to work, prior to the entry into force of the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. 49 of 2022 regarding human resources in the federal government and this decision, and no amendment may be made to them except by a decision from Council of Ministers.

The Council of Ministers may issue a decision specifying the minimum total salary for national employees, and it shall be reconsidered whenever necessary. The national employee shall be entitled to a monthly allowance for a master’s or doctoral degree and their equivalent, at 1,000 dirhams for a master’s degree, and 2,000 dirhams for a doctoral degree.

One of the most prominent provisions of the law is that it is not permissible to appoint employees who have some marital or related relationship up to the second degree in the same organizational unit, or within the same direct supervisory relationship.
By a decision of the authority concerned with appointment, the service of a non-national employee may be terminated due to the localization of the position he occupies, provided that he is given notice of that, and the total salary is paid for the notice period stipulated in his employment contract.
The federal entity shall consider notifying the employee when it does not wish to extend his service if he reaches the age of retirement, prior to a period of no less than 6 months from his reaching, that he will not be extended.

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