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Face print for students to facilitate their entry to the tests

The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, announced the use of faceprint technology for students, to facilitate their entry to exams at any time and anywhere, without the need for traditional identification methods, in a step towards raising the level of services, achieving ease and quality of life, and student safety.

At a time when selected public schools (schools from each domain) last academic year, conducted an informal test, for students of all grades in various stages of education, to test the face print on the learners, and to ensure that the face verification feature was activated before entering the test, as it lasted five minutes. Its content does not focus on a particular subject.

The “training” test was made available technically throughout the day, so that the time is flexible for schools, so that each school chooses the appropriate time for its students, to apply the service at different times, so that the support team can follow up on use and monitor any points that need improvement.

The test targeted students in all grades, via “Swift Access”, under a program called “Demo” and a material known as “General Test” and the name of the test “Training using the camera”, and it contains one general question that is not related to a specific subject, and its duration does not exceed five minutes. , with the aim of experimenting with the use of the camera with students, testing the face recognition feature and its connection to the Emirates ID number, and verifying the improvements implemented in the system.

The usage guide included 4 directives, most notably making sure that all applications are closed, especially Microsoft Teams, to make sure that there is no application using the camera, then entering the test via the school link.

After accessing the test, and pressing “Start”, the “Open Face Capture” screen will appear, and for the first time a message may appear requesting permission to open the camera as follows. between green corners and the option “press” appears below the image, to take the picture, taking into account the provision of good lighting and a clear image, without wearing a hat or anything covering the head or face, and if the student encounters any problem related to activating the camera, he must ensure that all applications are closed and work Page refresh.

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