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Abu Dhabi Municipality calls for the preservation of public facilities

The Abu Dhabi City Municipality affiliated to the Department of Municipalities and Transport, through the Shahama Municipality Center, coinciding with the gradual increase in the number of visitors witnessed by gardens and recreational parks during the winter season, launched a comprehensive awareness campaign aimed at promoting the values of social responsibility regarding contributing to the preservation of public facilities, gardens and parks, and their protection from All kinds of distortions, as well as urging the community to adhere to the standards for frequenting parks and public and recreational facilities, within the framework of community participation to enhance the aesthetic and cultural features of all public service facilities.

The geographical scope of the campaign has extended to many cities to include: Shahama, Al Bahia, Al Samha, and Al Rahba, where the campaign’s work continues throughout the month of December to cover all parks and public facilities through field awareness tours, in addition to organizing a parallel electronic awareness campaign through the (Vrigna) application. ), and sending text messages to community members urging them on the importance of participating in protecting the environment and cleanliness of parks and public facilities.

The campaign also aims to preserve the assets and facilities of gardens and parks, and reduce wrong behavior such as random dumping of waste, barbecue in unallocated places, or damage to green spaces, trees, games and other components of gardens and recreational parks.

Within this framework, the municipality called on community members to contribute to improving the quality of public and recreational facilities by adhering to the regulations and laws that regulate frequent use of these facilities, to make optimal use of them, and to preserve their assets and components, noting that these facilities were established with the aim of providing service and entertainment facilities in accordance with the best standards. It is aimed at making society happy and improving the quality of their lives, stressing that the positive behaviors of community members while visiting these facilities enhance societal, moral and civilized values and reflect the general and advanced aspects of civilization that are the hallmark of UAE society.

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