Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / Dubai Municipality launches an electronic platform for investment opportunities, with a value exceeding 575 million dirhams

Dubai Municipality launches an electronic platform for investment opportunities, with a value exceeding 575 million dirhams

In support of the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda D33..

– Dubai Municipality launches an electronic platform for investment opportunities, with a value exceeding 575 million dirhams.
The platform reflects Dubai’s international position as a city that attracts investment and is rich in opportunities for all.
– The electronic system enables local and international investors to follow up and document the implementation of the investment stages.
– The ability to view existing investment opportunities with the municipality or to apply for new ideas.
– The platform enhances partnership with the private sector to make optimal use of the municipality’s assets… and supports young investors with opportunities designed for them.
Dubai, April 11 / Dubai Municipality – in support of the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda D33 aimed at doubling Dubai’s economy over the next ten years, promoting various investment sectors and opening the way for local and foreign investors – .. launched an innovative platform for investment opportunities through its website, through which it displays a group of New investment opportunities to enhance partnership with the private sector, with a value of approximately 576.3 million dirhams.

The platform will enable all investors to view existing projects and investment opportunities available at Dubai Municipality, as well as present new ideas, as well as evaluate and approve an idea or opportunity easily and clearly, which saves them time and effort, establishes the principles of integrity and transparency, and contributes to achieving equality and equal opportunities.
This step comes as part of the municipality’s endeavors and continuous efforts to keep pace with Dubai’s trends in the field of transition to a digital environment. The platform also embodies Dubai Municipality’s keenness to govern its procedures, develop and implement an integrated partnership system with the private sector, through effective management of the municipality’s financial resources, and harness all data for asset management. Optimally and ensure the safety and sustainability of resources in the Emirate of Dubai.
Najeeb Mohammed Saleh, Director of the Commercial and Investment Affairs Department at Dubai Municipality, said, “In line with the ambitious goals of the Dubai Economic Agenda D33, especially with regard to the investment sector and increasing the opportunities available to investors, Dubai Municipality has developed a new electronic system for investment opportunities, which can manage all stages of the investment process starting with From receiving ideas, adopting them, converting them into economic opportunities, and then presenting them to investors, all the way to signing contracts with them.”

He pointed out that this step came out of Dubai Municipality’s belief in the importance of working with the private sector as an effective partner that contributes to enhancing the optimal use of the multiple assets owned by the municipality, and out of its keenness to make Dubai the most attractive investment destination city rich in opportunities open to all.
He added, “The platform provides the possibility of renewing contracts through the same system, and any visitor to this platform on the Dubai Municipality website can view and apply for investment opportunities offered by the municipality. He can also suggest new investment ideas different from those presented on the platform.”

The electronic system on the platform enables local and international investors to follow up and document the implementation of the stages of the investment process, as the system is designed to shorten the application steps and the time taken to complete applications and approve opportunities, in addition to the ease of access and use, which facilitates the application procedures for investors and employees, and enhances the happiness of customers. The platform will provide support for young talents and investors in order to have an opportunity to develop their projects and ideas, or to invest in the exclusive opportunities offered by the municipality.
The platform will also contribute to clearly organizing the terms of reference and powers of the various organizational units and committees whose work is related to the investment process, by following simplified governance procedures that facilitate obtaining reports on investment opportunities and their revenues, and providing accurate and up-to-date data. What supports the work of the concerned decision makers, and will help achieve maximum economic efficiency and benefit from the assets of Dubai Municipality and achieve the highest levels of financial benefit and revenue.
The beneficiaries of the new platform are investors in the municipality’s assets and projects, whether current or new investors, from inside or outside the country, as the time period for responding to them varies according to the period of offering opportunities or projects on the platform. Any investor can access the platform by clicking on the investment opportunities icon on the Dubai Municipality website.

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