Home / News / UAE / “Abu Dhabi Environment” launches a challenge for government agencies to limit the consumption of single-use products

“Abu Dhabi Environment” launches a challenge for government agencies to limit the consumption of single-use products

Abu Dhabi, January 23 / The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi today launched a challenge for government agencies in Abu Dhabi to encourage them to reduce the use of single-use products under the name “Together Towards Zero for Government Agencies”.

The participating entities will submit reports on the total amount of waste generated in each category and the rate of waste reduction during the challenge period by March 24. The institutions that achieve the highest efficiency in waste reduction during the two-month challenge will be awarded a reward in recognition of their efforts.

The challenge – which was launched within the framework of the one-use plastics policy launched by the authority in March 2020 – aims to encourage government institutions to reduce the use of single-use products.

With the entry into force of the ban on the use of single-use plastic bags in June 2022, the authority issued a guide for government institutions entitled: “A government free of single-use materials: a guide for government agencies in Abu Dhabi” to help them reduce dependence on one-time products and reduce waste. PVC.

The guide, which was issued in both Arabic and English, provides information about the policy for government and private institutions and their employees, and also contributes to achieving the goal set by the authority in the policy to ensure that government agencies in Abu Dhabi are free of single-use plastic and non-plastic materials by limiting their use and encouraging the shift towards multiple alternatives. Uses that are less harmful to the environment Examples of products that will be measured in government agencies are: bags, cups and lids, cutlery, dishes, chopsticks and water bottles.

Ahmed Baharoon, Executive Director of the Environmental Information, Science and Awareness Management Sector at the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, said: “As we continue our efforts to achieve the goals of the single-use plastics policy, we decided to launch the “Badir” challenge for government institutions in Abu Dhabi to highlight the success stories achieved by government institutions in the field of Reducing the use of single-use products, highlighting the best environmental practices, and encouraging sustainable institutional behavior. Our long-term goal is for all government institutions in Abu Dhabi to become completely free of single-use products.”

He added: “During the year 2022, we shared our guide with government institutions and organized a series of workshops attended by more than 3,247 employees working in government institutions, and we witnessed positive cooperation from government agencies, and through this challenge we will take greater steps forward towards declaring our government free of harmful products that pollute our environment.” and endanger it.”

The authority has developed an awareness toolkit that has been shared with more than 80 government agencies, including infographics and animations, to explain the guide in simplified steps and support government agencies in its implementation.

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