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The impact of artificial intelligence on the digital economy.. A report by the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government

Dubai, March 21 / The Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, in partnership with the Dubai Digital Authority and Microsoft, launched at the college’s headquarters a major report on “Enhancing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Dubai: Future Directions towards Promoting the Digital Economy”, which was based on field work and a major research study. To explore trends related to the development of the use of artificial intelligence to support the digital economy in Dubai.

The report aims to guide future policies that lead to a thriving digital economy, and pave the way for the innovative and ethical adoption of artificial intelligence and its applications. It explores the challenges and opportunities facing companies and organizations that rely on data and digital infrastructures for their daily functions, as well as those that develop digital products and artificial intelligence. The report refers to three questionnaires that were circulated to hundreds of institutions from government and private companies working in the areas of the digital economy in Dubai, where they were asked about practices related to digitization, data, the use of artificial intelligence, policies and governance, while the report data was collected between 2021 and 2023, and included It also surveyed the generational potential of artificial intelligence in government, and relied on five pillars of surveys related to digital transformation, data collection and use, adoption of artificial intelligence and blockchain, and remote work policies and practices.
Through the report, several points of policy considerations were revealed, related to the uses of data, and the employment of artificial intelligence and blockchain. This is based on the results of the policy team’s research at the college, and the report concluded with a systemic analysis of the digital economy based on insights from the questionnaires, in addition to future policy directions.
The launch of the report was witnessed by His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Sebaa Al Marri, CEO of the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, His Excellency Younis Abdulaziz Al Nasser, Assistant Director General of Dubai Digital, and Executive Director of Dubai Data Corporation, as well as a number of dignitaries representing government and private agencies in Dubai.
The CEO of the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government said: “The college is committed … to its primary role, which is based on training and empowering employees to become future leaders, and enhancing their contribution to the formation of advanced and flexible governments that adapt to changes and turn challenges into opportunities that are invested in making better policies and programs for all. And with As the Dubai government continues to take strides towards adopting artificial intelligence in all its operations and procedures, the College is keen to support this by providing more comprehensive and integrated insights and information to leaders and decision-makers.”
For his part, His Excellency Younis Abdulaziz Al Nasser, Assistant Director General of Digital Dubai and Executive Director of the Dubai Data Corporation, stressed the importance of the report and the timing of its issuance, in order to coincide with the study of the best way to benefit from new artificial intelligence technologies safely and effectively.
Naeem Yazbek, General Manager, Microsoft UAE, said: “The Dubai government is distinguished for its visions and forward-looking aspirations regarding the employment of artificial intelligence, as it focuses on employing new technologies in a responsible manner, which is what Microsoft also believes in and is committed to when designing and launching its new and influential technologies in the world. We adopt a number of key principles such as fairness, reliability, safety, privacy, security, inclusiveness, transparency and responsibility, which are implemented at all levels and operations of the company, especially with regard to the development and deployment of artificial intelligence to have a positive impact on society.
Dr. Fadi Salem, Director of the Policy Research Department at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government and a co-author of the report, said: “The report data shows that there is good public awareness and clear positive opinions about the potential of artificial intelligence in the growth of the digital economy in Dubai, but in contrast there are still Some concerns about AI governance and generative AI applications such as ChatGPT, which primarily relate to data quality and availability, ethical uses and legal considerations, while the report highlights concerns related to AI capability, data validity and natural Arabic language processing limitations. .

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