Home / News / UAE / Reducing the legal speed limit on Dubai Hatta Street to 80 km

Reducing the legal speed limit on Dubai Hatta Street to 80 km

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced the reduction of the legal speed limit on Dubai-Hatta Street in the part between the Emirates of Dubai and Ajman and Al Hosn Roundabout (with a length of 6 km) from 100 km per hour to 80 km per hour, as of Thursday, January 12, 2023.
The authority indicated that the legal speed limit signs for the street have been changed to be 80 km/h instead of 100 km/h, and red lines have been added at the beginning of the speed reduction zone to alert drivers according to the best standards and methods adopted in traffic safety.

The authority confirmed that the decision was made in coordination with the Dubai Police General Command, and based on a recent study in which the plan to develop the Hatta region and the improvements that took place on the road were taken into account, and the percentage of expected numbers of road users during the coming period, noting that the distance in which the speed was reduced is estimated at about 6 km. meters, and the road was painted red to alert drivers to reduce speed, as is customary when changing speeds on Dubai roads.
The authority works on periodic and continuous reviews of speeds on vital roads in the Emirate of Dubai, and relies in this on the manual for speed management in the Emirate of Dubai and in accordance with modern international best practices. The guide sets appropriate criteria and measures to achieve quality in the relationship between the best speed rates, traffic flow and the rate of traffic accidents, stressing that there are many factors and engineering standards that determine the reduction or increase in speed, the most important of which is the design speed of the road, the actual speed that most drivers adhere to, along with the level of speed. Urban development on both sides of the road, pedestrian movement and the presence of other vital facilities, taking into account the level of traffic accidents that occurred on the street and the volume of traffic.

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