Home / News / UAE / To commemorate the legacy of the founding leader, the UAE celebrates Zayed Humanitarian Day on Monday

To commemorate the legacy of the founding leader, the UAE celebrates Zayed Humanitarian Day on Monday

On Monday, the UAE celebrates “Zayed Humanitarian Work Day”, which falls on the 19th of Ramadan every year, corresponding to the anniversary of the passing of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, “may God rest his soul.”

The occasion embodies the values of loyalty to the legacy of the founding leader, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in humanitarian work, and the keenness to continue his approach of giving and extending a helping hand to all countries and peoples without discrimination or discrimination.

The “Zayed Day for Humanitarian Work” is one of the most important stations on the agenda of annual events in the UAE, and it is an occasion to celebrate the virtues and achievements of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, whose qualitative initiatives contributed to alleviating the suffering of people in all regions that witnessed conflicts and disasters. Helping the poor and needy to spread happiness in them, away from any political, racial or religious considerations.

The occasion has turned into an annual platform to launch humanitarian and charitable initiatives from various national institutions, in order to consolidate Zayed’s legacy and follow his path in spreading volunteer and humanitarian work in its best form, and as a culmination of the state’s efforts and its human-centered message, with the aim of making a difference in the lives of people and societies alike.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God have mercy on him, is considered a symbol of giving and providing assistance to every needy in any region of the world. Thanks to his efforts and humanitarian initiatives in advocating for the weak, helping the needy, and providing relief to the afflicted, the UAE has assumed the forefront and leadership in the fields of charitable and humanitarian work regionally and internationally.

The value of development and humanitarian aid that was directed from the UAE during the period from 1971 to 2004 amounted to approximately 90.5 billion dirhams, while the number of countries that benefited from the development, humanitarian and charitable aid and aid provided by the UAE exceeded the barrier of 117 countries belonging to all regions of the world. and its continents.

The model of humanitarian giving that the UAE presents to the world derives its principles from the vision of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, which upholds the value of human solidarity and urges it, as “may God have mercy on him” established during the year 1971 the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, to be of assistance to brothers and friends by contributing to projects Development and growth for their people, and in 1992 he established the Zayed Foundation for Charitable and Humanitarian Works to be an extended arm in the arenas of humanitarian giving and all its fields inside and outside the country.

History records the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, “may God rest his soul in peace,” that he succeeded in transforming humanitarian work in the UAE into a way of life and civilized behavior that is handed down from generations by giving it the characteristic of inclusiveness, as more than 40 donors and humanitarian and charitable institutions start from the Emirates today, covering their assistance. All the countries of the world and the needy and affected peoples, and the UAE tops the list of the most giving countries in the world in relation to its national income.

Evidence of Sheikh Zayed’s donation, “may God have mercy on him,” permeates various countries, where almost no part of the world is devoid of bearing a dignified trace that glorifies his fragrant memory, including hospitals, mosques, and medical and cultural centers bearing the name “Zayed.”

The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan is considered one of the most historical personalities who received medals and medals for humanitarian giving and charitable work. In 1985, the International Organization for Foreigners in Geneva awarded the “Golden Document” to Sheikh Zayed as the most important figure for the year 1985, and in 1988 the Authority chose / Man of the Year In Paris, Sheikh Zayed, in appreciation of his wise and effective leadership and his success in achieving well-being for the people of the UAE, developing his country in terms of land and people, and making it a developed and advanced country.

In 1993, the League of Arab States awarded Sheikh Zayed the man of development and development, and in 1995 the Moroccan Historians Association presented Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan with the Golden Medal for Arab History, in appreciation of his continuous efforts in the service of Arabism and Islam. In 1995, Sheikh Zayed was chosen as the “Development Personality of 1995.” At the world level, and in 1996, the Arab Labor Organization presented the Labor Shield to Sheikh Zayed, in appreciation of the organization for his pioneering role in supporting joint Arab action.

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