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Learn about the national system for tracking trucks and shipments

The national system for tracking trucks and shipments in the country came in implementation of Cabinet Resolution No. (95) of 2021 AD, which stipulates that the system should be applied to all transported shipments and trucks that carry out the transport process within the territorial scope of the state, as well as those that carry out transit transport through the state with the aim of monitoring and tracking the movement of trucks. and shipments.

The application of the system comes within the framework of the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, Customs and Ports Security’s plan to enhance the customs control system over the movement of trucks and shipments, ensure their safe arrival at the specified time, and monitor violations and abuses that may occur, which include: transit trucks, hazardous materials transport trucks, Restricted Substances Trucks, and High Duty Goods Trucks.

The authority called on owners of means of transporting goods and owners of trucks registered in the UAE to register in the national system for tracking trucks and shipments electronically, during the approved registration period, which ends on October 30, 2023, and fines will start to be applied as of October 31, 2023.

The project for tracking trucks and shipments electronically is one of the most recent projects. It is an electronic system for tracking means of transport (trucks that transport goods) electronically, by installing tracking devices on them to monitor them from the first port of entry to their final destination in the country, through operations rooms that allow direct and instant follow-up of those. Trucks using satellites, or through the communications network around the clock, and issuing follow-up reports on them.

The project aims to strengthen the customs security system, by tracking the movement of dangerous, sensitive and high-risk shipments and suspended conditions for customs duties, and ensuring that they reach the final destination by electronically linking with the concerned authorities at the port.

The system also aims to support the security of the supply chain by providing data and information on shipments and monitoring their movement, in addition to implementing the requirements of the Gulf customs union by raising the level of smoothness of intra-trade movement and dispensing with the role of customs at the intra-ports.

The system is managed through the Federal Central Operations Room, which specializes in real-time and continuous tracking and tracking through direct follow-up of goods and trucks that transport goods and monitor them electronically through their route from their starting point determined by the Authority to their final destination, and issuing real-time reports to track the location of the truck on a map. State using satellite or via the communications network around the clock, seven days a week.

The time taken for trucks to arrive is also measured, in order to monitor it in the operations risk register, and to coordinate and exchange information with local customs departments and relevant government agencies regarding information, news, and data on trucks and shipments, in order to take the necessary measures in this regard, and to maintain public safety on roads through rapid response. For emergency cases and linking them with the concerned authorities in the country in real time.

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