Home / News / UAE / The UAE government adopts a number of federal laws related to regulating health professions, establishing a national registry for them, and the law on private health facilities and veterinary medicine

The UAE government adopts a number of federal laws related to regulating health professions, establishing a national registry for them, and the law on private health facilities and veterinary medicine

• Regulating the practice of health professions such as nursing, medical laboratories, medical physics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, cosmetology, anesthesia, audiology, and medical radiology.
• Increasing the penalty for those who practice the health profession without obtaining a license and without fulfilling the conditions required to practice the profession.
• The law refers to the ethics, morals and duties that health professionals are bound by.
• Updating the disciplinary penalties and their gradation in proportion to the nature of the violations committed and the continuity of the work of the private health facilities and the provision of health services to the auditors.
• Establishing a national register of licensed health practitioners in the country.
• Allowing entrepreneurs and foreign investors to establish and own veterinary facilities, in order to enhance the attraction of foreign investments in the veterinary sector in the country.

Dubai, August 8 / The UAE government has approved the issuance of a number of federal laws and amendments to some of its provisions related to regulating health professions, private health facilities, and the veterinary profession, within the framework of regulating the practice of non-doctors and pharmacists for some health professions such as nursing, medical laboratories, medical physics, and occupational therapy. Physiotherapy, cosmetology, anesthesiology, audiology, and medical radiography.

The most prominent amendments to the provisions relating to the practice of health professions aim to increase the penalty for those who practice the health profession without obtaining a license and without meeting the conditions required for practicing the profession, and referring to the most prominent and important ethics, morals and duties that practitioners of health professions adhere to, in addition to updating and graduating disciplinary penalties. In proportion to the nature of the violations committed and the continuity of the work of private health facilities and the provision of health services to auditors, the amendments also introduced the establishment of a national registry for licensed health professionals in the country, and allowing foreign entrepreneurs and investors to establish and own veterinary facilities in a way that enhances the attraction of foreign investments in the veterinary sector in the country.

License to practice the health profession.
The law stipulates that no person may practice the health profession unless he is licensed to do so by the health authority, in accordance with the provisions of this law, its executive regulations, and the decisions issued for their implementation. To obtain the license, it is required that he possess an academic certificate or a qualification recognized in the state in the field. The health profession that he wishes to practice, and that he be of good conduct and medically fit to perform the duties of his profession, and that he meets the criteria for licensing practitioners of the health profession specified by a decision of the Council of Ministers, and any other conditions or controls specified by the executive regulations of the law.

Ethics, etiquette, and duties of the health profession.
The law also referred to the ethics, morals, and duties that the health profession practitioner must abide by, including performing his work within the limits of the scope of the license granted to him and the license of the health facility through which he works, knowing the federal and local legislation related to the practice of the health profession and adhering to them, and performing his work duties as required by the health profession. Accuracy and honesty in accordance with scientific and technical principles, not exploiting the patient’s need, preserving the dignity and honor of the profession, cooperating with workers in its field, working in accordance with the Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct for Health Professionals issued by the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, working on developing one’s own skills and keeping abreast of developments in the field His specialization, constant readiness to transfer his expertise, and dealing with patients with respect and without discrimination.

The law frames the establishment of a national registry for licensed health professions in the country with the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, and the establishment of a registry for the health authority linked to the national registry. According to the law, the Ministry of Health and Community Protection or the federal or local health authority receives and decides on licensing applications for health professions. The law prohibits the health profession from selling medicines or samples thereof to patients, advertising or promoting them, or directing the patient to buy medicines from a specific pharmacy. during or as a result of practicing the profession.

Penalties for practicing the health profession without a license.
The law stipulates that whoever practices the health profession without a license and does not fulfill the conditions that give him the right to obtain it, and whoever submits incorrect documents or data, shall be punished by imprisonment and a fine of not less than fifty thousand dirhams and not more than one hundred thousand dirhams, or by one of the two penalties. Or resorted to unlawful methods that resulted in granting him a license unjustly, and whoever does not meet the conditions for a license to practice the profession and uses bulletins, boards, or any means of publication, and this would lead the public to believe that he is licensed, and the final judgment of conviction entails the revocation of the license and the removal of the name of the convict From the register of practitioners of the profession, and the court may order the closure of the place allocated by the violator to practice the health profession.

The law also stipulates that a fine of not less than ten thousand dirhams and not more than one hundred thousand dirhams shall be imposed on anyone who fulfills the conditions that give him the right to obtain a license to practice the health profession, and he practices it before obtaining the license, or uses bulletins, boards, or any means of publication. Before obtaining a license, the court may order the closure of the place designated by the violator to practice the health profession. The law also indicates that practitioners of the health profession licensed prior to the enforcement of the provisions of this law must reconcile their conditions in accordance with its provisions, during the remaining period of expiration of the licenses issued to them, or within six months. From the date of implementation of its executive regulations, whichever is longer.

Amending some provisions of the federal law regarding private health facilities.
The amendment to the Health Facilities Law aims to ensure the continuity of the work of health facilities and to develop the health legislative structure in the country

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