Home / News / UAE / Dubai is preparing to resume the development of «Al Maktoum Airport» with 120 billion dirhams

Dubai is preparing to resume the development of «Al Maktoum Airport» with 120 billion dirhams

In a major new expected boost to Dubai’s economy, the emirate is considering resuming one of its largest construction projects represented in the expansion of Al Maktoum International Airport, at a cost of 120 billion dirhams ($32.6 billion).

The “Med” magazine, quoting informed sources, stated that talks between officials are ongoing, and the parties concerned have been informed of the readiness to resume work.

The airport development project within Dubai World Central (DWC) will cover an area of 56 square kilometers, including passenger tunnels, baggage handling systems, a road network for ground services, and other supporting technical facilities.

Al Maktoum Airport, whose development was officially announced in 2014, aims to become the largest airport in the world by 2050, with a capacity of 255 million passengers annually. The initial development phase of the project is scheduled to raise the airport’s capacity to 130 million passengers annually by 2030, if the same previously announced schedule is adopted.
Meanwhile, the recovery of passenger numbers in Dubai reinforced the positive expansion expectations of Al Maktoum International Airport. On the other hand, Dubai International Airport, the largest airport in the world in terms of the number of international passengers, dealt with 66.1 million passengers in 2022, with increasing monthly numbers compared to previous years. And expectations are that the number will reach 78 million in 2023, before returning to pre-pandemic levels in 2024.

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