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دبي تستقبل 40 فندقاً جديداً خلال 12 شهراً


The hotel sector in Dubai witnessed the addition of 40 new hotels within 12 months (including 8 new hotels in the first half of 2023), to reach 812 establishments by the end of May 2023, compared to 772 establishments by the end of May 2022. The city added more than 8,000 rooms, to reach 148,754 rooms by the end of the year. May 2023, compared to 140,724 rooms at the end of May 2022.

Dubai hotels achieved a high occupancy rate during the first five months of the year 2023, reaching 78%, exceeding pre-pandemic levels, which amounted to about 77% during the same period in the year 2019, despite the increase in hotel capacity by 26%, according to data. Department of Economy and Tourism.

The growth of the booked rooms

The number of booked hotel rooms (overnight stays) increased by 12% to 17.7 million, compared to 15.8 million during the same period in 2022, with a growth of 32%, compared to 13.39 million in the corresponding period of 2019. The average daily price for rooms was about 563 dirhams, A slight decline compared to 603 dirhams in 2022, but it is still high compared to 469 dirhams in 2019, while revenues from available rooms amounted to about 448 dirhams, down from 456 dirhams in 2022, and it is still high compared to 362 dirhams in 2019.

5-star hotel rooms still account for the largest share of the total number of rooms in Dubai by 34%, equivalent to 51,268 rooms, through 155 hotel establishments, then 4-star hotels, with a share of 29%, equivalent to 42,665 rooms, Through 190 establishments, then hotels from star to 3-star categories, with a share of 20%, equivalent to 29,345 rooms through 274 hotels, and hotel apartments accounted for 17%, with a total of 25,476 apartments, through 193 establishments.

Hotel apartments recorded the highest occupancy rates, with 86% for medium apartments and 84% for luxury apartments, followed by 4-star hotels with 81%, one- to 3-star hotels with 79%, and luxury hotels with 73%.

India is in the lead

Dubai received 7.39 million international tourists during the period between January – May 2023, and India came in the lead with 1.04 million international tourists, with a growth of 47%, leading the international markets, and Russia came in second place, with 554 thousand visitors, with a growth of 104%, and the Kingdom came The United States ranked third with about 488 thousand visitors, a growth of 9%, then Saudi Arabia came in fourth place with about 442 thousand visitors, with a slight decline of 5%, then Oman came in fifth place, with about 425 thousand visitors, a decline of 38%.

Germany ranked sixth as the largest exporting market for visitors to Dubai, with about 308 thousand visitors, with a growth of 57%, then the United States of America ranked seventh, with about 303 thousand visitors, with a growth of 41%.

China came in eighth place with about 203 thousand visitors, achieving a strong growth of 295%, then Israel in ninth place, with about 183 thousand visitors, with a growth of 183%, then Iran in tenth place with about 167 thousand visitors, with a growth of 19%.

In terms of the source of visitors according to geographical regions, Western Europe ranked first with a share of 21% (equivalent to 1.55 million European tourists), then South Asia with 17%, then Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe with 15%, then the GCC countries with 14%. Then the Middle East and North Africa region with 13%, the Americas with 7%, North and Southeast Asian countries with 7%, then Africa with 4%.

6 indicators

The hotel sector in Dubai continued the path of recovery from the consequences of “Covid-19”, surpassing pre-“Covid-19” levels in 6 indicators, including returns on available hotel rooms, average daily price, number of nights booked, length of stay, and hotel capacity. and the number of hotel establishments.

8.5 million visitors

It is noteworthy that the tourism sector in Dubai, during the first half of the year 2023, was at levels before the “Covid-19” pandemic in terms of the number of international visitors, for the same period of the years 2019 and 2018, reflecting its ability to deal with the challenges posed by “Covid-19”. the tourism sector globally.

The city’s hotels received more than 8.5 million international visitors during the first half of 2023, according to the latest data, compared to about 8.36 million international visitors received by the city in the first half of 2019, a growth of 1.7%, and the number of international visitors increased by 5%. Compared to 8.1 million international visitors during the first half of 2018.

The number of international visitors in Dubai hotels increased by 19.4%, compared to 7.12 million visitors during the first half of 2022, and a growth of 237%, compared to 2.52 million visitors in the first half of 2021, while the world was subjected to a crisis of closures in 2022 due to the outbreak of the epidemic.

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