Home / News / UAE / Dubai is a destination for one million European tourists and 700,000 Gulf tourists in the first quarter. India leads with 612,000.. and Russia is second with 358,000, with a growth of 89%.

Dubai is a destination for one million European tourists and 700,000 Gulf tourists in the first quarter. India leads with 612,000.. and Russia is second with 358,000, with a growth of 89%.

Dubai received about 1.02 million tourists from Western Europe, during the first quarter of 2023, while data from the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai indicated that the city’s hotels hosted about 747 thousand tourists from South Asia, and 700 thousand Gulf tourists, and the same number from Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eastern Europe. .

India topped the list of markets exporting visitors to Dubai in the first quarter, with about 612,000 tourists, a growth of 63%. Russia came second, with 358,000 tourists, with a growth of 89%. Then the United Kingdom, with 299,000 tourists, an increase of 9% compared to the first quarter of 2022, then Saudi Arabia, with 289. One thousand tourists, down 9%, and the Sultanate of Oman, with 278 thousand tourists, down 40%. Germany came in sixth place with 213,000 tourists, a growth of 65%, then the United States, with 198,000 tourists, a growth of 43%, then Israel, with 125,000 tourists, a growth of 123%, and Iran came in ninth with 111,000 tourists, a growth of 11%, then France with 103,000. Tourist, but down 27%.

Chinese tourists

China ranked eleventh with 94,000 tourists, a growth of 239% compared to the same period in 2022, amid a continuous increase in the number of visitors since the opening of travel to the Chinese abroad during the first months of the year, driven by the increase in the number of Emirates flights, and the resumption of operation of the Beijing station.

Then came Egypt with 90 thousand tourists, then Kuwait with 89 thousand tourists, then Kazakhstan with 81 thousand tourists, and Pakistan with 81 thousand tourists. Italy came in the fifteenth place with 80 thousand tourists, followed by Canada with 66 thousand tourists and the Philippines with 57 thousand tourists, Australia with 56 thousand tourists, and finally in the twentieth place Iraq with 55 thousand tourists.

pre-pandemic levels

The number of visitors to Dubai from 11 countries in the first quarter of 2023 exceeded the levels of the first quarter of 2019 (pre-pandemic levels), which are Russia 53%, Kazakhstan 107%, India 8%, Australia 2%, Iran 18%, Oman 6%, Iraq 25%, Egypt 4%, and Germany. 4%, Canada 28% and the United States 7%. Dubai received 4.67 million international tourists during the first quarter of 2023, compared to 3.97 million international tourists during the same period in 2022, an increase of 17% year on year, among the city’s best quarterly performance since the pandemic.

In 2022, Dubai received nearly 3 million international tourists from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, especially from Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, and it also received about 3 million international tourists from Western Europe, especially from the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, France and Italy, and it also received about 2.44 million tourists from South Asia.

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