Home / News / UAE / The UAE condemns the Taliban’s decision to ban women from working in non-governmental organizations

The UAE condemns the Taliban’s decision to ban women from working in non-governmental organizations

Abu Dhabi on December 26 /

Her Excellency Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, expressed the UAE’s strong condemnation of the Taliban’s decision to ban women from working in local and international NGOs in Afghanistan.

Her Excellency Nusseibeh warned that at a time when about two-thirds of the Afghan people need humanitarian assistance, and about six million people face the threat of famine, the decision will hinder efforts to provide humanitarian relief in the country, and will affect the most vulnerable groups in society, including women, children and the elderly. .

She emphasized that the decision, which follows the Taliban’s recent unjustified ban on university education for women and girls, violates UN Security Council Resolution 2615 and will undoubtedly exacerbate human suffering in Afghanistan.

She stressed that the Islamic religion honored women and their role and safeguarded their rights. In this context, Her Excellency pointed out the importance of the full and equal participation of women and girls in all aspects of life.

She stressed that the UAE will continue its firm commitment to support the sovereignty, stability, security and prosperity of Afghanistan in cooperation with regional and international partners.

Her Excellency concluded by stressing that ensuring a prosperous future for Afghanistan and its people depends on the full integration of women and girls into society.

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