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The exchange rate of the dollar against the Egyptian pound

The price of the Egyptian pound continued its stability against the US dollar, at the beginning of trading on Monday, December 5th, with the Central Bank and private and government banks.
According to the latest data of the Central Bank of Egypt, the price of the dollar stabilized at 24.53 pounds for purchase, and 24.60 pounds for sale.
And the price of the dollar at the National and Egyptian Banks recorded a level of 24.51 pounds for purchase, and 24.56 pounds for sale.
And the price of the dollar stabilized, on Monday morning, at the Commercial International Bank, at a level of 24.55 pounds for purchase, and for sale, it recorded 24.61.
The Egyptian Minister of Finance, Mohamed Maait, expected the first installment of the IMF loan, amounting to about $750 million, to be disbursed during the current month.
Observers link the arrival of the first financing tranche from the International Monetary Fund to the stability of the exchange market in Egypt, in light of the successive losses of the Egyptian pound against the US dollar.

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