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UAE Ambassador to China: The first Chinese-Arab summit enhances cooperation between the UAE and China

Beijing on December 10

His Excellency Ali Obaid Ali Al Dhaheri, UAE Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, affirmed that the first Arab-Chinese summit will deepen and strengthen cooperation and strong relations between the UAE and China, and will expand partnerships between Arab countries and China and stimulate them in a more diversified manner.

His Excellency added – in an exclusive interview with the Chinese news agency “Xinhua” – that the first Arab-Chinese summit is an important milestone in the history of Arab-Chinese relations. the friendship.

He explained that the Arab world has deep historical ties with China, as the history of bilateral exchange between the two sides dates back to the era of the Tang Dynasty in the 7th century, and the thriving business in this ancient golden age witnessed the launch of new trade lines, which promoted the exchange of scientific knowledge between the two sides in medicine. Mathematics, astronomy and other fields.

Al Dhaheri said that the UAE and China have nearly 40 years of friendship and cooperation, and their relationship has become a successful model for international relations. In recent years, cooperation has increased at a high level between the two countries. He pointed out that the UAE was among the first countries to join the “Belt and Road” initiative. The two sides signed many memorandums of understanding and established new partnerships in various fields.

He stressed that China is currently the UAE’s largest trading partner, with the volume of bilateral trade between the two countries reaching $234 billion over the past five years, and between 2018 and 2021, bilateral trade in non-oil products increased from $43 billion to more than $60 billion. An increase of 40 percent.. While more than 6,000 Chinese companies are currently operating in the UAE.

He stated that the two countries have achieved unprecedented interdependence, through the construction of major projects such as the second phase of the Khalifa Port container terminal and the Chinese-Emirati model area for cooperation in production capacity, noting that the UAE is looking forward as a regional center for aviation, transportation and finance in the Middle East and North Africa region, to promote the establishment of Infrastructure within the framework of the “Belt and Road” initiative. He expressed his confidence that the scope of partnership between the two countries will continue to expand and diversify, with the addition of new areas of cooperation, including climate change mitigation, innovation, technology, food security, energy security, financial services, education, and international humanitarian assistance, pointing to the joint efforts made by the two countries over the years. latest to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Al Dhaheri pointed out that the UAE adheres to the principles of tolerance, equality, dignity and creativity, and as an effective player on the international stage, it has been seeking to provide humanitarian aid, and is committed to promoting peace and prosperity at the regional and global levels, by providing developmental, humanitarian and charitable support in all parts of the world.

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