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Abu Dhabi Police warns of renewed fraud methods and fictitious recruitment

August 13th

Abu Dhabi Police warned of the renewal of deceptive methods of fraudsters and swindlers, and of luring victims in misleading ways, from fraudulent calls and forged website links via short text messages that simulate government institutions, trolling the public, and offering them fake services and temptations.

It warned of fake websites that bear the names of famous restaurants and shops, and that offer special offers to the public, in return for paying a fee through which the balance is withdrawn after completing the payment process from the credit card on the fake site.

Abu Dhabi Police called on the public not to deal with fake electronic advertisements that offer pets for sale or adoption, in return for bearing shipping and insurance costs from outside the country, and they are advertised on social media and some buying and selling applications on smart phones. Where the victims are asked to send money to bank accounts, which were opened for the purpose of theft and fraud, or to request the transfer of funds through local and international exchange companies licensed in the country.

It also warned job seekers against fictitious employment, and against believing the lies of fraudsters who are currently taking advantage of the opportunity to hold official events and events to defraud them. By creating pages for fictitious companies on the Internet as approved recruitment companies, and requesting the payment of sums of money as fees for those fictitious jobs, so that the applicants eventually discover that they have fallen victim to fraud and fraud.

And she appealed to the public not to share their confidential information with anyone, whether personal account information, bank card information, passwords for online banking services, personal identification numbers for ATMs, security number (CCV) or password, and that bank employees and banks will not ask for this information. from anyone at all.

Abu Dhabi Police called on the public, in case of fraud, to go to the nearest police station, and to quickly report any calls they receive from unknown persons asking them to update their banking data, by contacting Aman Service No. 8002626 or by sending a text message 2828 to enhance police efforts to confront these fraudulent methods, and prevent society from its dangers, and called for the activation of protection programs, to ensure the efficiency of getting rid of harmful sites that contain electronic codes, aimed at robbing their savings, and not to succumb to imaginary temptations.

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