Home / News / UAE / Dubai Police seizes 28 suspects who tried to sell 111 kilograms of drugs

Dubai Police seizes 28 suspects who tried to sell 111 kilograms of drugs

Dubai, February 3: The Dubai Police General Command, represented by the General Department for Drug Control, thwarted a plan for 3 gangs to promote and traffic 111 kilograms of drugs inside the country, with an estimated market value of 32 million dirhams, and arrested 28 suspects of different nationalities, after follow-up and monitoring. Minutes by anti-narcotics men.

The seized drugs varied between 99 kilograms of Captagon with 621,634 tablets, and 12 kilograms of crystal, mortgage and hashish.

Dubai Police confirmed that it harnesses all its capabilities and capabilities to control anyone who tries to compromise the security and stability of society, especially since work teams work around the clock to deal with criminal methods used in various crimes, noting that criminal gangs are keen to constantly develop their methods, which requires teams Develop smart and thoughtful security plans, and keep abreast of the best methods and modern technologies in combating organized crime.

The Dubai Police General Command confirmed that drugs are a toxic scourge facing various societies in the world, and that they are doing their best to strike preemptively at drug dealers and dealers and thwart their attempts to promote these toxins, by developing the work system, learning about global criminal methods, and strengthening international cooperation with police organizations. Globalism.

Dubai Police stated that the first operation began with an attempt by a gang to promote and trade 99 kilograms of the drug Captagon, numbering 621,634 tablets, with a market value estimated at 31 million and 18 thousand and 700 dirhams, in different regions of the country, and the anti-drug teams prepared an elaborate ambush for the three accused and threw capture them.

She pointed out that the second operation consisted of an unknown person using an international phone number, promoting narcotic substances among the users by hiding them in different regions of the country, and through research, analysis and monitoring of suspicious sites, the first suspect was arrested in possession of 9.7 kilograms of crystal drug and other used materials. In filtering and crystal material industry.

And Dubai Police continued, that the third operation was represented by the presence of a person using social media platforms to promote narcotic substances, by identifying sites to place drugs in them, and after analyzing the information and monitoring, the anti-drug teams located the first suspect and arrested him with a quantity of heroin drug capsules, and after identifying the rest The accused, the teams prepared a court plan and seized the 23 accused in possession of quantities of heroin, crystal, and hashish.

Dubai Police stated that the promotion of drugs and psychotropic substances through social media applications has become a great danger to all societies, which requires caution from members of society, and not to interact with unknown messages that may reach them from strangers outside the country, and to report them through the (e-) platform. Crime) or through the “Police Eye” service available on the Dubai Police application on smart phones, or the website.

She emphasized the important role of parents in containing their children, following them up, enhancing communication with them, and educating them about the importance of not communicating with strangers or adding them through social media applications, and not sitting with bad friends, especially since the informed and cohesive family contributes to strengthening the security of the homeland and the stability of society.

Dubai Police appealed to community members not to give phone numbers, housing addresses, or any personal information to unknown persons, or to register them on unreliable websites, noting the need not to provide information and data until after confirming the authority and its official description, and not to fall into the trap of fraudsters and give them data. personal or banking.

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