Home / News / UAE / Turkish companies are looking at mutual investment opportunities with the UAE, including real estate, food and pharmaceutical industries, and consumer goods

Turkish companies are looking at mutual investment opportunities with the UAE, including real estate, food and pharmaceutical industries, and consumer goods

The Turkish “Atish Yapi” group of companies held a press conference at the Palazzo Versace Hotel, in the presence of many official authorities and a group of Turkish businessmen, including Rahim Al-Birk, Head of the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic, Hassan Hussein Erdonmez, Deputy Mayor of Osman Gazi, Murat Saragoglu, Head of the Presidency of the Republic. Tursap and Dr. Emra Kamlibel, founder of Riabi Portfolio Management Company, on the occasion of the group’s participation in “Cityscape”

The conference dealt with the huge Emirati investments in Turkey, especially after the UAE ranked first on the list of Arab countries, with a value of $4.3 billion. The value of trade between Turkey and the UAE in the first half of 2021 amounted to more than $7 billion, with a growth of 100% compared to the same period in 2020, according to official statistics.

Turkey ranks 11th among the largest trading partners of the UAE, while the UAE is Turkey’s 12th trading partner globally and Turkey’s largest trading partner in the Gulf region. There are nearly 400 companies in Turkey that were established with Emirati capital. Where the real estate sector is; At the top of the list of Emirati investments in this is Turkey, along with large investments in the banking sector, port operation and the tourism sector.

strong turnout

Ahmed Atesh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the “Atish Yapi” group of companies, confirmed the increasing demand by Emirati investors in Bursa recently, adding: “The total value of the sales of the “Atish Yapi” company to Emiratis has reached more than 20 million dollars since the beginning of 2022. , a variety of investments in various sectors, including real estate, commercial and tourism, and we are happy and proud to welcome all Emirati investors to Turkey in general and Bursa in particular, especially in light of the political and economic openness that the two countries are currently experiencing.”

Atesh also stressed that most businessmen follow the approach of developing economic relations between the two countries to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and love between the UAE and Turkey, as Turkish contracting companies have implemented 141 projects in the UAE, worth $13 billion.

big growth

In turn, Rahim Al-Berik, Head of the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic, spoke about the importance of the partnership between Emirati and Turkish investors. On the commercial level, trade exchange between the two countries has nearly quadrupled, from $2.7 billion in 2010 to $8.8 billion in 2020.

Hassan Hussein, Erdonmez, Deputy Mayor of Osman Gazi, noted the diversity of Turkish-Emirati investments, which include food, pharmaceutical and medical industries, consumer goods and ports, as well as pumping investments in other sectors.

While Murat Saragoglu, Chairman of Tursab, said: “The UAE and Turkey are considered as preferred tourist destinations, especially thanks to the stability experienced by the countries and the rich resources that characterize them, as visitors to the two countries decide to move to live in them and start working and investing.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Emre Kamlibel, founder of “Riyabi” investment portfolio management company, stressed the strength of the economic relations in which Turkey and the UAE thrive in the investment and trade sectors, which is a positive indicator that opens horizons and doors for new job opportunities and the formation of a solid strategic partnership.

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