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“Culture Shock”

It does not matter where your destination is from, from the cities of the region, from the countries of the region, or even from the western and eastern countries. The important thing is that when you reach it, you get a “civilization shock” that directly makes you feel the difference between the place from which it is coming from and arriving to it.. It is Dubai International Airport.

The prestige of the place is present at Dubai Airport, and it is a prestige that also makes you feel the grandeur of the city and the country that hosts a huge and luxurious airport, and tells you that the humble minutes that you wish to extend to enjoy the place and its services, are almost over, with your departure from the airport, and it has become for you a beautiful memory that passed you as a movie tape In a moment in time.

We are not talking here about the services of paid businessmen around the world; Rather, it is about services provided to more than 200,000 passengers daily, around the clock, and not about a few planes arriving within an hour; Rather, there are dozens of planes coming and leaving at the same time. As for the bottlenecks in entering and exiting during peak times, they no longer exist; Where artificial intelligence does its work through smart gates.

If the airport is the front of any city in the world, and an indicator of its development, Dubai Airport will challenge you to measure the development that awaits you in Dubai and all Emirates cities, in terms of services, infrastructure, security, safety and harmony between residents and visitors, and harmony between heritage in its depth and modern life in its various details.

There is no need to talk in depth about the evidence and comparisons with what is outside the Emirates, as the majority spent part of their summer vacation abroad, whether in their home countries or in tourist places regionally and globally.

It seems more clear to the other coming to the UAE for the first time or a frequent visitor for several times, as he is more surprised, and the comparison with his country where he lives or other countries he visited becomes more detailed, so that after the visit he turns into a promoter of the UAE tourist product in his surroundings, and the areas he visits after a while.

The Emirates, which has become a title for visits and residence, for work and investment, with its progress, progress and achievements, has been able to be a living witness to the possibility of advancing nations and countries, if the leadership is wise and gentle, and if the vision is clear and bright, and if success is a means to greater and more comprehensive success, and if The human being is the centerpiece of development and its first and last goal.

It is Dubai .. It is the Emirates, the country of the future in which we live in its details, technology and luxury today.

Gulf Newspaper

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