Home / News / UAE / The star of Al-Marzam rose at dawn today, July 29

The star of Al-Marzam rose at dawn today, July 29

The Emirates Astronomy Society said that at dawn today, Saturday, the star of Al-Marzam or Sirius Al-Yamani – the brightest star in the sky and the fifth of the seven stars of the heat (Al-Thuraya, Al-Dabaran, Al-Haqa’a, Al-Hana’a, Al-Dhra’ Al-Marzam, Al-Natrah “Al-Kulaibin”, Al-Tarfa “Suhail”) and another The stars of the burning embers, and Al-Mirzam is a name for a number of luminous stars, the most famous of which are Al-Shairiyan Al-Abour and Al-Ghameesa, and it was associated with the Yemeni community.

Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Astronomy Society, a member of the Arab Federation for Astronomy and Space Sciences, said: With the peak of the heat and intense heat, the last stars of the “ember of heat” as some people call it in the Arabian Peninsula, and it is the time when the intensity of heat reaches its end in the Arabian Peninsula, and the emergence of the package. The sweltering heat has reached its limit, the moist air masses are advancing, and cumulus formations are active on the Hajar Mountains

(Aromatherapy) At the end of it, the earth’s temperature subsides, and the humidity of the air penetrates, especially with the rise of the two clips.

Interpreters mention that it is the star that was mentioned in the Qur’an by the Almighty’s saying: “And that he is the Lord of Sirius.” Where it was worshiped by some tribes and peoples before Islam, and the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of the Nile Valley link the date of the Nile flood to the time of the rise of the Yemeni Sirius star, and its rise is linked to the date of the Olympic sports competitions among the ancient Greeks.

It was known as the “dog of the sun” among the Greeks, and it was associated with severe heat and drought as well as in the Assyrian and Akkadian civilizations, while the Babylonians described it as radiating like copper, while its rise is associated with the rainy season in India. Where it is called socra.

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