Home / News / UAE / Tomorrow, more than 2,000 sailors will participate in the Sheikh Zayed Dhow Festival 60-foot race

Tomorrow, more than 2,000 sailors will participate in the Sheikh Zayed Dhow Festival 60-foot race

Abu Dhabi, February 4, the Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club will organize tomorrow, Sunday, the 60-foot Sheikh Zayed Festival for sailing bearings, which will be held for a distance of 25 nautical miles, with the participation of nearly 100 loaders, from various emirates of the country, with more than 2,000 sailors on board to draw a painting. New heritage festival races.
The race will start at one o’clock in the afternoon, from the West Al Nouf area towards the finish line in front of the headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club on the breakwater in the capital, Abu Dhabi.
The organization of the race comes as part of the participation of the Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club in the activities and events of the Sheikh Zayed Festival, which is full of the vocabulary of the ancient Emirati heritage, which carries the noble message of fathers and grandfathers to new generations, and presents the details of life in the past and its treasures rich in creativity and courage in going to the sea.
The organizing committee of the club’s races completed all the technical, logistical and organizational arrangements to bring out the race in the most wonderful way, after the participating sailing bearings were approved after the registration door closed last Thursday, and the captain was briefed on the regulations for participation, and confirmed their commitment to them.
The 60-foot sailing races attract elite sailors and sailors, being the highest category in the heritage races. The Sheikh Zayed Festival race is one of the major races that finds positive interaction from the participants, given the status of the event for everyone, and its valuable prizes.

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