Home / News / UAE / Tomorrow… the second round of the Emirates Water Bike Marathon begins in Abu Dhabi

Tomorrow… the second round of the Emirates Water Bike Marathon begins in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi on December 10 /

Tomorrow, Sunday, the competitions of the second round of the Emirates Water Bike Marathon will start on the breakwater in the capital, Abu Dhabi, which will be held with the participation of many groups and nationalities within the agenda of the Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club.

The marathon races give the participants an opportunity to compete for stability and endurance for an hour or an hour and a half continuously of driving the bike through the race track and staying at the same level of skill and fitness throughout its various stages.

The Organizing Committee announced the allocation of an hour for the “Veteran” and “Standing” categories, and an hour and a half for the “Professional Sitting” category, which is one of the strongest categories in the competition.
More than 35 competitors registered for the race categories in the various competition categories, so expectations are high that we will witness a strong challenge for the first positions in each category.

The race is scheduled to start with a professional seated class through a track that revolves around Lulu Island, and the track will be internal for the standing and veteran categories, and the opportunity will be available for all participants to refuel in any course they wish to do so through a station designated for them.

Majid Al Muhairi, Director of the Marine Racing Department at the Abu Dhabi Marine Sports Club, welcomed the participants in the race, stressing that it receives great interest from all those who love this sport.

Strong competition and high levels are expected among the participants to reach the best performance throughout the race journey, and to achieve the first positions.

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