Home / News / UAE / Within the framework of the leadership’s keenness to provide a decent life for the countrymen, the President of the State orders the support of farm owners with limited income

Within the framework of the leadership’s keenness to provide a decent life for the countrymen, the President of the State orders the support of farm owners with limited income

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, ordered the Ministry of Community Development – in cooperation with the Union Water and Electricity Company – to support citizens who own farms with limited income to reduce the financial burdens related to the electricity tariff for those registered with the company.

The Ministry of Community Development and the Union Water and Electricity Company stated that the subsidy will start to be applied as of July 2023 through a direct deduction from the monthly electricity consumption bill.

The support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan comes within the framework of the leadership’s initiatives and its keenness to empower the countrymen, provide them with a decent life, and improve the services provided to the low-income category of citizens of the country.


And in implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God protect him, the Ministry of Community Development and the Union Water and Electricity Company announced mechanisms for implementing subsidies to reduce the financial burden resulting from the electricity tariff for those registered within the Union Water and Electricity Company. Upgrading the services provided to the community, she announced, the details and mechanisms related to the application of the support, as well as identifying the beneficiaries of the support, and indicated that it will affect those registered in the Union Water and Electricity Company who are the owners of farms who are citizens of the UAE, as the number of farms benefiting from the support and meeting the required conditions has been determined, which Its owners fall under the categories of beneficiaries of federal or local social support programs, or the category of people with limited income.


A subsidy of 8,400 dirhams will be allocated annually to each beneficiary, which is equivalent to 2,500 kilowatt-hours per month, or the value of consumption, whichever is less. The beneficiary farm owner can view the amount of support allocated to him through the farm’s monthly consumption bill, or through channels The service of the Union Water and Electricity Company, while the Ministry will coordinate with the Union Water and Electricity Company regarding the approved lists of beneficiaries on a monthly basis.

Regarding the submission mechanisms, text messages will be sent to those who are eligible for support and registered with the Union Water and Electricity Company to fill out the form and enter the data of the farm whose consumption is to be subsidized. Registration will be opened on the Ministry of Community Development website to apply for support.

The Ministry specified, among the requirements for entitlement to support, that the farm should not be used for commercial purposes, and if the owner receives another subsidy for electricity consumption in one of the farms he owns, from the Ministry or a local authority, the higher subsidy value will be disbursed.

The Ministry also stressed the importance of registering the beneficiary’s identity data with the Union Water and Electricity Company, as it is a basic factor for applying for support, and in the event that there is more than one meter for one farm, the data is first updated with the Union Water and Electricity Company before submitting the application to the Ministry. It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Community Development will transfer the due amounts, monthly, to the account of the Union Water and Electricity Company after receiving the lists of beneficiaries, so that the amount will be deducted from the monthly bill directly.

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