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The UAE space sector… an investment in the future and new opportunities to improve people’s lives

Rehabilitation and empowerment of national cadres is a major priority for the next stage and to achieve the goals of the UAE Centennial.
Investing in advanced sciences, knowledge, space industries and future sciences serves the national interests of the Emirates.
Enhancing the country’s competitiveness in the space field is a strategic goal to accelerate and maximize the impact of comprehensive digital transformation.
– Developing advanced local capabilities in research and manufacturing, and building a high national culture and experience in the field of space.

ABU DHABI, 3 December / WAM / The UAE space sector plays an important role in supporting the future economy based on knowledge and innovation, as it is one of the priority sectors in the UAE, which enhances the competitiveness of the country and the diversification of its economy by adopting advanced technologies that serve various vital sectors, in addition to becoming an engine For many economic activities, especially those that depend on high technologies.
The UAE realizes the importance of having a strong and sustainable space sector that provides effective and innovative applications and solutions to challenges, which has made this sector a source of inspiration for new generations, and a motivation for them to study science and technology, which contributes to improving and facilitating human life.
The UAE’s interest in this promising sector, which has achieved remarkable achievements in a record time, is consistent with the goals of the UAE Centennial 2071, which seeks to be the best country in the world in various fields. A competitive national economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technological applications.
The UAE’s pioneering and successive projects in the field of space constitute an important incentive to attract local, regional and global investments, specialized in advanced technology and related to space industries, to the UAE.

Fundamental pillar.
The UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him,” adopts space science as a basic pillar that contributes to the continuation of the development process. development, creating new future opportunities to improve life, cross into the future, and keep abreast of global developments.
The UAE has put investment in advanced science, knowledge, space industries, and future sciences that serve national interests, and promote constructive and active participation in the global scientific movement to explore outer space, at the top of its priorities based on its belief in the importance of this sector in enhancing the country’s competitiveness, which is a strategic goal that contributes to accelerating and maximizing The impact of comprehensive digital transformation and the use of space technology in supporting the country’s future economy.
The UAE seeks to make the space sector one of the tributaries of the national economy through space services and applications provided locally, regionally and globally, and to enhance the benefit of other sectors from the space industry and vice versa. And it is keen to prepare and qualify young Emirati astronauts, both male and female, who are scientifically outstanding, and empower them in space sciences in order to contribute to the promotion of development and human development.

Active participation.
The UAE adopts a strategy based on strengthening the national economy by investing in space industries, advanced sciences, knowledge and future sciences, in a way that serves the UAE’s national interests, and enhances its active participation in the global scientific movement to explore outer space, explore the prospects for human life in space, and the possibility of building human settlements on other planets. .
The UAE seeks to consolidate its position in this sector regionally and globally, based on the vision of the wise leadership, and to achieve the aspirations of the National Space Program 2117, which seeks to make the UAE among the major countries in the field of space science, in order to provide effective solutions in the fields of navigation and traffic management. Shipping operations, natural resource management, sustainability and monitoring of pollution and climate change, areas of control, relief operations and disaster and crisis management.
According to recent reports, the total value of the global space economy is estimated at about $370 billion in 2021, of which the commercial space market accounts for about 75%, or $278 billion, while government spending is about 16%, with a value of $59 billion. Other government expenditures accounted for $33 billion, with a total of 9%. The global space economy is expected to grow by 75% by 2030, reaching $642 billion, which indicates that this sector offers many opportunities for technological expansion and innovation.

Increasing investments.
The UAE seeks to pump more investments in this sector, based on its belief in the importance of enhancing the contribution of the space industry to diversifying the country’s economy, as commercial spending in the sector amounted to 10.9 billion dirhams during the past few years, while the percentage of the private sector’s contribution reached 50% of the total spending on sector in 2019, which reflects its partnership with the government sector to contribute to the investment and development of this sector.
In order to provide financial resources for the space sector and the governance of its management, the UAE has established a national fund to support the sector with a value of 3 billion dirhams, which reinforces the state’s drive towards finding alternative and innovative solutions for financing projects and developing the sector.
The establishment of the fund, which is under the umbrella of the Emirates Space Agency, contributes to enhancing investments from interested entrepreneurs and private companies, and working to finance and facilitate the development of future space activities and projects.
And to enhance the vision of the Emirates touch

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