Home / News / UAE / For the first time in its history… Dubai’s population exceeds 3.6 million, increasing by 215,000 since the outbreak of “Covid 19”.

For the first time in its history… Dubai’s population exceeds 3.6 million, increasing by 215,000 since the outbreak of “Covid 19”.

Dubai’s population exceeded 3.60 million (3,600,175 people), an increase of 1%, representing 33 thousand, compared to the end of the first quarter of this year 2023, when it reached 3.567 million at that time, according to data from the Dubai Statistics Center. The population increased by 1.5%, representing an increase of more than 50 thousand, compared to the end of last year 2022, when they reached 3.55 million people.

This is the first time that the population of the emirate exceeds 3.6 million people, on its way to reaching 5.8 million people in 2040, according to the Dubai Urban Plan, which expects to reach 7.8 million people during peak hours from 4.729 million people by the end of 2022.

The emirate continues to attract thousands of residents looking for new job opportunities daily, or to reside and invest in it, given the city’s highly developed infrastructure and components, as well as a legislative, legal, security and economic environment that is among the finest systems in the world.

Since the outbreak of the “Covid-19” pandemic in the region, including Dubai, and specifically in the middle of the first quarter of 2020, the emirate’s population has jumped by 6.3%, representing an increase of 215,000, as the city’s population reached approximately 3.386 million at the end of the first quarter of 2020. .

Their number increased to 3.424 million people at the end of the first quarter of the following year (2021), and increased by more than 2% in the first quarter of 2022 to 3.496 million people, to reach about 3.567 million people in the first quarter of this year 2023.

super majority

During the past year 2022, the number of males in the Emirate of Dubai reached about 2.438 million, representing 69% of the total population, while the number of females reached more than 1.111 million, representing 31% of the total.

The number of Emirati citizens reached about 284.6 thousand, representing 8% of the total population, while the number of expatriates reached about 3,265 thousand, representing 92% of the population.


rush hours

The movement of active individuals during the rush hour at the end of 2022 showed that the total population residing normally in Dubai, and the total workers in the emirate, residents outside it, and temporary residents, amounted to 4.729 million people, including 1.179 million people, the number of workers in the emirate, residents outside it, and temporary residents.

Peak hours are those who are present during the day in the normal weekly hours from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm.

Economic activity

81% of the emirate’s population is considered economically active, representing about 2.864 million people, where males constitute about 73% of the total economically active people in the emirate, at 2.087 million people, compared to the number of economically active females, who amounted to more than 777 thousand, representing 27% of the population. The economically active age group in the emirate.

Youth between the ages of 29 and 39 accounted for 60% of the economically active population, with 1.7 million young men and women. The age group between 18 and 65 years is considered the economically active group. These individuals are considered to be of working age and usually participate in the market with permanent or self-employment.

According to the classification of age groups, the number of those between 20-24 years in Dubai amounted to approximately 278.5 thousand people, of whom 197.4 thousand were males, and about 81 thousand were females, and the age group between 25-29 years amounted to 588.5 thousand people, including 434.4 thousand males. , and 154 thousand females, and the age group between 30-34 years, which is the most numerous by 636 thousand, of whom 469.5 thousand are males, and 166.6 thousand are females, and the category between 35-39 years is 474 thousand, of whom 335.2 thousand are males, and about 138.8 A female.

And the age group between 40-44 years at a rate of 378 thousand, as the number of males reached 282 thousand, and about 96 thousand females, and the category between 45-49 years at a rate of 241.6 thousand people, distributed among 186.5 thousand males and 55 thousand females, and the category The age group is between 50-54 years, at a rate of 128.4 thousand people, including 85 thousand males and 44 thousand females, and the age group between 55-59 years, at a rate of 95.2 thousand people, distributed among 67.6 thousand males, 27.6 thousand females, and the age group between 60 and 60 64 years old, with 44.3 thousand people, of whom 29.5 thousand are males, and the number of females touched 15,000.

Over 65 years old

The center’s data indicated that the emirate’s population over 75 years has reached 11,559 people, of whom 5,611 are males and 5,948 are females, while the age group is between 70-74 years, with 9,216 people, including 4,603 males and 4,613 females, and the age group is between 65 and 65. 69 years old, with more than 20 thousand, distributed among 13.5 thousand males and 6526 females.

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