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Governmental and private institutions in Abu Dhabi offer 434 vacancies

Governmental, semi-governmental and private institutions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi have offered 434 vacancies through the Abu Dhabi unified government services system “Tamm” and the “Kawadir” platform in various fields and specializations, according to the jobs offered and available through the two platforms.

The number of jobs offered, according to the Abu Dhabi Unified Government Services System “Tamm” platform, reached 328 jobs, covering various fields, including energy, education, manufacturing, health, financial activities, insurance activities, real estate activities, construction, tourism, trade and business activities, information and communications, transportation, public administration, defense and exhibitions.

A number of health facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi offered 106 various vacancies through their unique smart platform, Kawader, which highlights promising professional opportunities in the health sector in the emirate, which was launched by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi in mid-October.

The “Tamm” platform determined, according to each offered job, the roles of the job seeker and those wishing to apply for the job, the special conditions required, the salary specified for the job, and how to apply for it, calling on job seekers to explore the jobs offered and apply for them in a manner commensurate with their qualifications and skills, and requires logging in to the platform. With the digital identity, to see if the job seeker is eligible to benefit from the service.

The jobs offered by health facilities included many medical specialties, such as vacancies for “doctors and consultants in all fields and specialties, pharmacists, nurses, administrative staff and technical specialists in medical fields.”

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