Home / News / Saudi Arabia / The founder of “code”:  Mohammad bin Salman the author of genius vision 2030

The founder of “code”:  Mohammad bin Salman the author of genius vision 2030

Media In – Riyadh – Yasir Al – Mahri

The Arab world is being proud today with an elite of outstanding thinkers who always aspire to build a better future in accordance with the vision of the wise leadership of our Arab countries, especially in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which painted the future industry as an economic model based on triggering the future technology to serve the economy nationally and internationally. In the past decade, technology has influenced the way people live, and we are confident that the next generation of technology and business models will change the world’s economy. The idea of ​​keeping up with the future is not enough. It is a must now that we work for the future of our Arab homeland. For this purpose, earlier this we week, we have conducted the first interview with the founder of the “Code” project, Dr. Ali bin Mohammed Al-Rukaf.


How did come up with the idea of “code “project?


In 2006, after completing my first master’s thesis at RIT University, the idea of ​​tracking and neuroimaging in the human brain came up with Dr. Newton Howard and I was one of his students.

He presented a paper in which he envisioned Saudi Arabia as a human mind whose mathematical interactions mimicked the human brain’s intellectual interactions and analysis. The idea grew using brain calculations and quantum physics until it became a project.

In today’s world, we live in the era of knowledge or the age of cognition, where paradoxes diverge and converge among countries in a very fast time. In the past, it took a long time to form economic and cognitive paradoxes between countries which lasted for decades and years. So for today, we need a platform that is more complex and advanced than current technology, and also very flexible to absorb the vast amount of advanced technology and analyze it and reach its roof quickly to participate in development and adaptation to serve the interests of the area.


How will the Code project contribute to the enhancement of political and economic stability in the Kingdom?

Let me tell you something Professor Al-Fadil, the story of establishing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is almost as unbelievable as it was is just astonishing. Saudi Arabia   was a vast desert with no seductive foundations for life and stability. Then came the late King Abdulaziz who united and established the country, and then the discovery of oil tempted other countries to occupy the land, but it is too late for them.

The King of Abdulaziz was the divine gift to the people of the Kingdom in protecting that oil and the stability of the region. Now came a different age called the Age of Perception and knowledge in which we live. The world has become a visual acceleration accompanied by concepts new direction of everything in life almost, and at this time in particular, Prince Mohammed bin Salman owned that vision to keep pace with this acceleration, the acquisition of advanced technology. Therefore, through the project code and the analysis and development and export, we will form a new political and economic concept that seeks to stabilize the purpose of knowledge sharing and commercial efforts to move forward towards the continued growth of all countries in the region.


How does the Code project fit with the 2030 Vision launched by the Kingdom?


It is no secret that Saudi Arabia seeks, through Vision 2030, to achieve growth and progress quite differently from the previous conventional vision of one source of exports, which is oil, although there has been a previous discussion of the diversification of sources of income, but there is no mechanism that can address this. Keeping pace with the acceleration of development with a diversity of sources of income was the essence of code project. Thanks to God and then support Prince Mohammed bin Salman among the platforms, we can achieve and ensure the mechanisms to serve that vision of 2030.

How does the Code project integrate with the Neum project?

This is a project that aims to make Saudi Arabia a technological beacon that any person with dreams and projects beyond his time can apply. In my view, the integration of the Code project with the Neum project lies in:


  • Establishing a technological base to facilitate the technological flow of the Neum project


  • Making integrations with internal and external research centers


  • Integrations with factories in the future industrial structure


  • Establishing a platform for applied scientific outputs to transform them into practical courses.


  • Establishing a platform for inter-company integration


  • Establishing technical integration platforms.


  • Unifying the mechanisms of external and internal scientific research


  • Raising the technological aspects in the future through the brain tracking of applied research fields.


  • Monitoring current technology and create so-called shadow technology and thus form a new platform to accommodate and develop it.


Therefore, with Project Code’s contribution to the Neum project, we will help companies to develop a new, unprecedented identity for their products.

Will Project Code contribute to the Kingdom’s non-oil-based revival?


Yes, by forming a technological platform that can:


  • Activate the scientific agenda for all the internal scientific centers to benefit from the applied outputs
  • Create technological polarization interactions between global research centers and local and international investors.
  • Trace the technological flows in the Kingdom
  • Evaluate of the technological contribution of projects within the Kingdom.
  • Link between the infrastructure to guide local and international companies towards the formation of alliances that is evaluated according to their technology value.
  • The establishment of practical scientific approaches in partnership with the Code project aiming at practical professional enrichment.
  • Raise the value of the added technology or at least maintain it in the Kingdom.
  • The establishment of the largest socio-economic think-community in the world; thankfully we are steps away from that.

How does the project serve the strategic objectives of the Gulf Cooperation Council in relation to food security and internal security of the GCC States?


The Gulf States are one family facing one fate and promising, and by God willing, what offers security to Saudi Arabia will be a secure for our brothers in the Gulf countries as well. For food security, Burjit Code seeks to expand the mechanism to include the Gulf countries in the platform of technology for food security in the project and that’s by:


  • All the countries participating in the latest applied scientific research.
  • Implementing the latest developments of food security technology in the GCC countries.
  • creating a common technology market for attracting irrigation and desalination technology
  • Creating a common technological market for the development of aquaculture.
  • Establishing a strategic storage centers and taking advantage of existing technology in storage and development to serve the interests of the Gulf States.
  • Distributing comparative advantages over the Gulf countries systematic distribution.

As for the internal security, the project will expand the technology platform to include all our brothers in the Gulf countries in order to ensure that all of us possess strategic security technology and all of our countries have relative advantages about the matter. The project will be create and executed by some of the grate inventors of the Gulf States with intentional participation in addition.

What entities and other countries that will benefit from this project?


The Kingdom always seeks to spread peace and stability all over the world and you also (UAE)  are one of the prominent nations  in the work of charity  and peace as well. I am talking about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries like you. The Code project will benefit all the countries that believe in the precious َQuran verse which inspired the name of the project. “(2:31) And He taught Adam the names – all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.”  We believe that Adam peace is upon him the father of all mankind, there is no difference between us in color and no race, we are involved in the love of life and live in peace. So, whoever believes in that will benefit of our project.


The Code project focuses on attracting and possessing sophisticated scientific technologies that have become strategic weapons, especially in the areas of national security, food security, alternative energy and water resources. How will the developers of these technologies allow you to acquire them? What is in return?


This is a very good and easy question that is abstaining, even though it carries the smell of the industrial age, which lasts for many decades, before dying out of new technology or getting old. The answer lies in the sophisticated technology derived from brain and other complex calculations, in tracking, monitoring and analyzing technological performance.


The project is characterized by high-speed technologies that can dismantle and analyze the codes of the technological structure of any advanced technology and look forward to its future, and the installation of the future technological vision and formulated with a common Saudi global identity.

So let’s ask what is the equivalent to us if we participate in developing its own technology?

In the age of cognition it is difficult to maintain the secrets of current technology because in the days of hours it even comes more sophisticated technology than it is possible during the beginning of the application of the current technology showing another more advanced difficult for the competition company which began to implement its project control.

Is it better for the code project to acquire advanced technologies or to attract the minds that had developed these technologies to develop other technologies?


The answer lies in the technological platform that links research centers, advanced technology manufacturers, and local and international scientists in a systematic way that will benefit all parties.


In this context, I would like to point out to you exclusively that we were looking at the possession of strategic technology with the unorganized enthusiasm and the old industrial mindset, and we must all change that view.

How will you link the  project to Saudi universities and research centers?


We always hear about scientific partnerships and the link between local universities and international research centers in some Arab countries, but the outputs may be somewhat vague and purely scientific, but if there is a technological platform prepared in advance that is more flexible and has clear objectives by advanced standards, there will be a systematic linking in a precise manner that serves the interest of the project and the state.


How will the industrial sector benefit from the Code project?


The industrial sector is the sum of the tangible technology output, which is the basis of development in any country, while the Code project is mainly aimed at passing technological flows and distributing them to factories to serve:


  • Developing the way factories perform
  • Ensuring the localization of technical information within factories
  • Creating flexibility of rapid change in production lines to ensure the survival of the structure of the industrial sector

How will the Code project benefit the Saudi society?


  • Saudi society is an interactive modern society with huge budget of 400 $ dollars that has been spent on studying abroad since 2010 till now. This has a great reflect on the culture of the society, especially student’s scholarship.


But we are still a consumer like other peoples of the region. Therefore, the Code project seeks to change many names, such as changing consumer perceptions to the realization of production and changing economic thought derived from the industrial age to creative economic thought and entrepreneurship, which have already changed under the vision of 2030 and change from the idea of ​​the use of advanced technology to think about how it works. We are in the age of perception.


I would also like to give you my observation or question (Has the mathematical, physical and chemical sciences disappeared from the Holy Quran and Sunnah?) Why is our view of religious sciences reduced in jurisprudence? Why are our discoveries of mathematical sciences and scientific miracles of the Holy Quran through the West and take only the information concerning the scientific miracle in the Koran to say only Hallelujah?? And we do not devise technology from them, for example in the book Bayo Sintrism of Dr. Robert Lanza, which speaks about that the man does not die, but that his soul is the energy of 40 flute comes out of it to another .. And addressed by the mathematical sciences in the Koran? , And I said that there are two dimensions dimension I go to stable energy, and the other dimension go to the unstable energy and derived from the generous verse (Oh, self-reassuring) and mathematical equations derived from the Holy Quran, this is what should be the Koran source rich in advanced science.

One of the main objectives of the project is to transform the Kingdom into an economic power based on innovation and invention regionally and internationally. How do you plan to accomplish this important goal?


First, we thank God that Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the visionary of 2030, guided us to go beyond many stages without which we would become a country dependent on the survival of its economy on one commodity subject to any future surprises.

This vision is summarized in two words: “the minds of young people” … and His Highness’s generous support for the outputs of those minds. Thankfully, we have laid down the basic principles of the vision of the countries that export the technology to share with them, not for the purpose of using their technology, and do not forget the temporal synchronization with current and future technology.

Most of the current patent patents are patent-based, integrated with others. Cod’s ability is to trace the sources of patents, even if some are theoretical, and return them to their primary codes and then access current technology of competitors and technological obsolescence.

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