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The UAE University Board of Trustees discusses the comprehensive work plan

The United Arab Emirates University Board of Trustees held its second meeting for the academic year 2023/2022, a two-day retreat in Abu Dhabi, headed by Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh, cultural advisor to His Highness the President of the State, Supreme President of the University.
The council discussed the university’s two-year comprehensive work plan, which aims to accelerate the university’s progress in the international rankings of universities. It also reviewed a presentation on priority research areas, and was briefed on a feasibility study that includes financial analysis to support the implementation of the plan.
The Council conducted an evaluation of the transformational projects that the United Arab Emirates University proposes to implement to ensure focus on the ten principles and priorities of the state over the next fifty years, in line with the new methodology of government work for federal entities.
The Board reviewed the report on evaluating the performance of the Board and its committees, where the report was prepared by an independent external consultant specializing in governance.
The report concluded by emphasizing the commitment of the Board members to work in a coherent manner consistent with effective governance practices. The Board approved several recommendations for strengthening governance practices, and the timeline for their implementation.

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